Library Services to Schools


Monaghan County Libraries provides free information and resources to all national in County Monaghan.

School’s service

The dedicated library school’s service is based at Library headquarters in Clones. We aim to visit every national school in county Monaghan twice a year.

Events and programmes for schools

From author visits to STEM workshops, we host free events for school classes during the school year as part of the annual Children’s Books Festival and the Cavan and Monaghan Science Festival.

Right to Read  is a national programme to promote literacy and reading development for people of all ages and backgrounds. It currently includes four national programmes designed to promote children’s reading and literacy.

Class visits to the library

We welcome classes to visit their local library and choose their own books to borrow. Your local librarian can provide teachers with membership forms in advance and will give a library tour on the first visit.

Loan service

We have an extensive range of materials to borrow on each visit including books, large print books, large format books, audio books, DVD’s.

Class novels

We have a comprehensive class novel collection which can be borrowed for several weeks. 

Learning support and resource teachers

We hold a range of special materials to assist learning support and resource teachers in national schools, including a sensory toys and equipment and bookable sensory spaces.

Books for teachers

We hold a range of titles available to support teachers in their day-to-day teaching in topics such as ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Bullying, Arts & Crafts, Drama, Music, Sports/Playground activities, Doing Projects.

Request Service

Teachers may request particular titles, authors or subjects through the schools’ library service. It is advised to request titles as early as possible for classroom assignments.

Advisory service

We offer free guidance and advice about children’s literature, reading and literacy support. We provide advice on reading activities and programmes, recommended reading lists and supports.

Support for your school library

We provide advice and expertise on setting up and maintaining a school library.

Talks to teachers/parents

We can provide talks to parents and teachers advocating the importance of reading and books.

For more information and enquiries, please contact:
Lorna Greenan at Library Headquarters, 98 Avenue, Clones, Co. Monaghan

Telephone: 047-74709