
Contact us:

Clones Library, 98 Avenue, Clones, H23 RW70

Phone: 047 74712


Opening Hours:

Monday 11.00am – 8.00pm
Tuesday 11.00am – 5.00pm
Wednesday 11.00am – 5.00pm
Thursday 11.00am – 5.00pm
Friday 11.00am – 5.00pm

Facilities include: Local history records, Genealogy records, Newspapers, Microfilm readers, Photocopying, 14 Internet PCs (8 adult & 6 children’s), FREE WIFI Access, Wheelchair accessible, Community Information Digital Screen, Public toilet, Car park (with 2 wheelchair spaces), Hearing Loop System, Exhibition Area, Outreach/Activities Room

Clones Branch Library is a purpose built Library which was opened in May 2008. The design of the building allows for plenty of natural light which gives the library a bright and airy feel. The Building also houses the Library Headquarters from which the administrative and cataloguing services are provided for all branch libraries in the County.

The public library is located on the ground floor of the building and is an open plan area consisting of an adult, teenage and children’s section, with a dedicated exhibition space and a separate activities/outreach room. The Local History Collection for the County is also located in Clones Branch Library.

There are 14 public PC’s in the library which provide internet access – 8 adult PC’s and 6 children’s PC’s. Assistive Technology is available on request.

In keeping with our service commitment to promote access to our services for all our customers, two accessible parking spaces are available right outside the door, access to the building is facilitated by automatic doors.

The library counter has a loop hearing system and assistive technology is available for use with the computers.

We offer a wide range of materials for borrowing such as Adult Fiction and Non- Fiction books, Children’s Fiction & Non Fiction books, Audio Books (books on CD, MP3 format), DVD’s, Magazines, Music CD’s.

Request & Inter library loan facility – we will always try to get that book you are looking for – if it is located in another library in County Monaghan, we can request it for you. We can also avail of books, especially books for customers studying, from other libraries around the country, through the Borrowbooks system. Ask a member of staff for more information on this service.

Renew Your Items Online – Do you know that you can renew your items online regardless of Library opening hours. Ask a member of staff at the desk for more information on this as you will need your pin number to access your library account online.

The library provides outreach services to various local organisations, for example The Sacred Heart Nursing Home. For further information on outreach services please contact Laura Carey at 047-74712 or

You can also Borrow A Librarian for 1 to 1 guidance through the library services in general, help setting up your device for online services etc.  In order to avail of this service, please arrange a time in advance with Library staff.

We also have a copy of the register of electors so you can check if you are registered to vote.

Core Services

  • Adult & Children’s lending and reference sections
  • Online catalogue
  • 14 computers with Free Internet Access
  • Photocopying and printing facilities for computer users
  • Local and National newspapers
  • Adult and Children’s literacy collections
  • Local Studies Collection (check out the Local History/Genealogy Section of website for more details)
  • Outreach room and Exhibition area
  • Large print and Audio books
  • Language learning material
  • Community information such as application forms, information on rights and entitlements, etc
  • Class visits
  • Block loans and tours available to groups on request
  • Study and Leisure Reading Area
  • Community notice board
  • Request and Inter Library Loan service
  • Adult & Children’s Book Clubs
  • Event Programme
  • Assistive Technology

We have weekly Adult Classes, run in conjunction with Monaghan VEC and FAS such as:

  • Computer Classes
  • Irish Classes
  • Elearning at the Library
  • English Language Classes

We provide other outreach programmes and events regularly, for both children and adults, celebrating the cultural life of the community, such as:

  • Creative Writing classes
  • Genealogy classes
  • Arts and Crafts sessions
  • Nursing home visits
  • Crafternoons
  • Book Clubs
  • Summer Reading Challenge

We welcome visits from primary and post-primary classes and we are happy to visit schools and playgroups. Teachers may avail of our block loan facility to get long term loans of books for use in the class room. During the school holidays and Children’s Book Festival, we run a range of extra events for children. There is always a selection of games, and activities available for children who drop in after school.

What’s on offer will vary over time so check the library website and the Clones News in the Local papers!

So don’t delay, pay a visit to Clones library today!