Contact us:

Monaghan Branch Library, Peace Campus, Plantation Road, Monaghan

Phone: 047 81830


Opening hours: (Temporary hours due to relocation)

Monday 11.00am – 5.00pm
Tuesday 11.00am – 5.00pm
Wednesday 11.00am – 5.00pm
Thursday 11.00am – 5.00pm
Friday 11.00am – 5.00pm
Saturday Closed

Note: Closed on the Saturday of Bank Holiday Weekend.

Monaghan Town Library first opened its doors to the public in its North Road location in 1969. It was extensively renovated and extended in 2005. It is a bright, vibrant and bustling Branch providing a warm welcome to all.

Facilities include: Laptops for use in-branch, FREE WiFi Access, photocopying service, Reference Library, daily and weekly newspapers, Community Information Digital Screen, Public toilet and is fully wheelchair accessible.

We offer a wide range of materials for borrowing, including adult Fiction and Non-fiction books, children’s Fiction and Non-fiction books, Audio Books, a DVD and CD library and Magazines for both adults and children.

Free membership is available to everyone, including children, students, adults and pensioners.  This entitles each adult and student to borrow up to 15 items. Books, CDs and Audio Books are for a three-week loan period and Magazines and DVDs are available to borrow for one week.

Free Internet Access is available to all members. Each member is entitled to one internet session per day, an adult session is for 45 minutes and a childrens session is for 30 minutes per day. These sessions can be booked in advance by phone. Assistive Technology is available for use with the computers. A magnified reading pane is also available.

Printing and Photocopying facilities are available. Black & white print/copies are 20c each and colour copy/print are €1.00 each.

Free WiFi is available for all adult members. So come along with your laptop or smartphone and take advantage of this free service. There is no time restriction on this service.

Renew Your Items Online – You can renew your items online at any time of the day. All you need is your library card number and your PIN number to access your library account online.

Request and Inter-library loan facility – we will always try to get that book you are looking for – if it is located in another library in County Monaghan, we can request it for you. We can also avail of books from other libraries around the Country, through the Borrowbooks service. Simply log on to and log in using your library card number and PIN and search for the title you are looking for. If this book is available in any other library they will send the book to Monaghan Library for you to borrow and we will return it to them when you return it to us. This is a free service.

We have a copy of the Register of Electors for you to check if you are registered to vote.

The Irish Times and Irish Independent are available daily and the Northern Standard is available weekly to peruse at your leisure in the branch library.

There is an extensive selection of books from best sellers, biographies, cookery, gardening to D.I.Y – the sky’s the limit!!

We have a growing selection of DVDs catering for Adults and Children. These can be borrowed for a loan period of one week Free of Charge!!

There are regular free computer classes for adults, which are run in conjunction with Cavan/Monaghan Education and Training Board.

The University of the Third Age group meet on a weekly basis, every Friday morning at 11am, in Monaghan Branch Library to help with any computer or tablet enquiries that their members may have and new members are always welcome.

The Adult Book Club meet in Monghan Branch Library on a monthly basis, usually on this first Monday of each month at 6.45pm and new members are also welcome.

For Children we stock an extensive range of books from babies and pre-school up to young adults. For our young and aspiring readers we stock a range of graded reading schemes which will help to develop confidence. Childrens magazines are also available.

We also hold regular activities for children including regular arts and crafts workshops, storytelling sessions, Author visits, Summer camps and hold regular competitions. Check this website for further details or follow our facebook page ‘Monaghan Town Library’ or join us on Twitter @MonaghanTownLib

We welcome visits from Schools and Colleges and we are also happy to visit Playgroups and Mother & Toddler Groups. Teachers may avail of our block-loan facility with our ‘Educator Card’ and can borrow up to 70 items for use in the classroom.

The library staff are available to help and assist you in whatever way they can…

So, what are you waiting for? Drop in today! You won’t regret it!