Your Library system is changing for the better!

Your online library system is changing – for the better!

From March 29th, Monaghan along with libraries all over the country, will introduce a new online library system with improved functionality to help us provide a better service to library members.

The new system will have many improved features.

  • Logging into your library account, and managing your reserves, reading lists and contact information will be much easier.
  • The catalogue will be easier to use and will have images and recommendations as well as themed bookshelves and links to useful resources.
  • You will be able to find, borrow and reserve eBooks and eAudiobooks as well as physical books in one searchable catalogue.
  • You will be able to renew your library membership online for the first time.
  • Our new system will also look and work great on mobile phones and tablets.

Online accounts temporarily unavailable March 21st – 28th

Unfortunately, there will be some service disruption in the lead up to the launch of the new system.

From March 21st – 28th, your online account will be temporarily unavailable and you will not be able to reserve items online.

During this time, you will still be able to browse and borrow in your library and other library services, including eServices such as Borrowbox, Libby and PressReader will not be affected.

All loans will be extended so you don’t need to worry about renewing items while your account is unavailable.

We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we work to deliver the new and improved online experience.

Please keep an eye on our website and social media channels for further updates.