Change of Ownership


This page tells you how to change a vehicles ownership details.

The onus is on the seller to ensure that all paperwork is properly completed and sent to the appropriate office.

  • Vehicles registered after 1st January 1993

If your vehicle was registered after 1st January 1993 you must complete the change of ownership section of your Vehicle Registration Certificate (VRC) or Vehicle Licensing Certificate (VLC) for the vehicle.  This is to be sent to Vehicle Registration Unit, Shannon, Co. Clare).  The new owner will receive a VRC in his/her name in due course. If the change of ownership is taking place in conjunction with a taxation, both forms can be presented to the Motor Tax Office and processed. Allow four days for receipt of the new VRC (Vehicle Registration Cert) confirming change of ownership, to be received from the Vehicle Registration Unit, Shannon, Co. Clare.

  • Vehicles registered before 1st January 1993

If your vehicle was registered before 1st January 1993 you should complete a Change of Ownership Form (Form RF200 (PDF) and submit it to your local Motor Tax Office.  You should make sure it is signed by the seller and the buyer and that the Date of Sale is clearly indicated.  Record the name and address of the new owner on the Registration (Log) Book and enclose it with the Form RF200 (PDF 

  • Transfer of Vehicle Ownership to a Motor Dealer

For vehicles registered after 1st January 1993 Form RF200 (PDF must be completed by both buyer and seller  and forwarded to the Vehicle Registration Unit, Shannon, Co. Clare.

For vehicles registered before 1st January 1993 complete Form RF200 (PDF)  with the Motor Dealer.  Retain Part C of the Form RF200 (PDF)

In both cases the VRC/VLC/Log Book is given to the Motor Dealer.

  • Current Owner Deceased

Where the seller is no longer contactable, a letter from the Executor of Will or Solicitor showing the buyer’s right to the vehicle should accompany the VRC/VLC (to Shannon) or Registration (log) Book (to Motor Tax Office).

Where the VRC/VLC/Registration (log) Book is unavailable or cannot be produced, a declaration (obtainable from Vehicle Registration Unit, Shannon or the Motor Tax Office)  may be made by the person acquiring the vehicle sworn before a Commissioner of Oaths or a Practising Solicitor.  The Statutory Declaration must also be accompanied by the aforementioned letter from Executor of Will or Solicitor.

  • Vehicle Never Taxed Before

Only when a new vehicle is taxed for the first time will a Vehicle Registration Certificate (VRC) be issued to the Registered Owner from the Vehicle Registration Unit, Shannon, Co. Clare.

To change ownership of a vehicle that has never been taxed (i.e. no Registration Certificate/ Registration (Log) Book send notice of transfer signed by the buyer and the seller agreeing a date of sale to the appropriate office. This notice should include Vehicle Registration Number, Vehicle Chassis Number (VIN), name and address of current owner and new owner.

For Post 1993 registered vehicles send to Vehicle Registration Unit, DTTAS, Shannon, Co. Clare.  For Pre 1993 registered vehicles send the notice to the Motor Tax Office (Form RF200 can be used (stroke out reference to “before 1/1/93” on the heading of the form).   If the Change of ownership is being done in conjunction with taxing the vehicle, the notification of transfer for all vehicles can be submitted to the Motor Tax Office for processing with the Tax Application.