Refunds of Motor Tax


IMPORTANT: Tax discs must be surrendered immediately as refunds are generally calculated from the first of the month following the surrender of the disc. A minimum of three unexpired whole calendar months must be left on the disc when surrendered.

Applications for refunds of motor tax can be made to your local motor tax office, on Form RF120, (can be downloaded from website) in circumstances when,

  • The vehicle has been scrapped/destroyed* or sent permanently out of the state,
  • The vehicle has been stolen and has not been recovered by the owner,
  • A vehicle in respect of which a tax disc has been taken out has not been used in a public place at any time since the issue of the disc,
  • The owner of the vehicle has ceased, because of illness, injury or other physical disability, to use the vehicle,
  • The owner of the vehicle has ceased, because of absence from the state for business or educational purposes, to use the vehicle,
  • The owner of the vehicle has ceased, because of service overseas with the Defence Forces, to use the vehicle.

*Scrapped/Destroyed Vehicles:

  • Scrapped/destroyed passenger cars/commercial vehicles up to 3,500 kg gross vehicle weight are subject to compliance with the End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) regulations.
  • Before a refund can be processed the vehicle must be taken to an End of Life Vehicles (ELV) Authorised Treatment Facility and a Certificate of Destruction issued by the facility in respect of the vehicle.
  • The reference date for refund of motor tax will be the date of issue of the Certificate of Destruction.

PS The certs of destruction typically record that the VRC was “retained by the ATF”. In such cases, there is no need to provide an application for a duplicate VRC (Vehicle Reg. Cert) form RF134. Otherwise we require the VRC.

Current ATF’s within County Monaghan

Name Facility Address Contact Number
Truck DismantlersIreland Killymarley,Dublin Rd, Monaghan 047 81596
Atkinson Car Dismantlers Carrickroe, Emyvale, 047-87247
Sragh Car dismantlers Sragh, Ballybay, 042-9748300
Charlie Byrne Knocknacran East, Magheracloone, Carrickmacross, 042 9662441
Ted Brennan Motors Corintra, Castleblayney, 042 9740618
Patrick Mc Quaid Annabrack, Threemilehouse, 047 57213
Eamon McKenna  Scanbitz Ltd  Lisnalee, Scotshouse, 04756919


*Third Schedule Part 1 – Classes of Activities subject to a waste facility permit Class No. 2 – Private Sector depollution facility for waste vehicles other than end-of -life vehicles (ELVs), motorbikes, lorries, tractors and buses.

If you have any other questions regarding ELV’s contact the Environment Section on 042 9661240.

Note: It is an offence to hand over an End of Life vehicle to an unauthorised person. A person guilty of this offence may be liable to a fine of up to €3000 or six months in prison.


RF120 Form:

RF120 Form (PDF)