Everyone Everywhere is Entitled to a Brown Bin Collection Service in 2024, as legislation changes.
There is good news for households in rural areas. New legislation, coming into effect in January 2024, means all householders in Ireland will be entitled to a brown bin recycling
Community Climate Action Fund launches in County Monaghan
Monaghan County Council is delighted to announce the opening of a new community climate action fund which is being made available to community groups interested in developing projects and initiatives
Taking in charge of Estates & Declaration of Public Roads
Section 180 of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) & Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993 (as amended) Monaghan County Council propose to take in charge and
Clones Marina – A Vision for Waterside Development – Prospectus & Questionnaire
Waterways Ireland and its partners, Monaghan County Council and Fáilte Ireland, are seeking to engage with those who might be interested in delivering a high-quality visitor experience(s) and community resource,
Have your say on the draft Town Centre First Plan for Carrickmacross
The public is warmly invited to have their say on draft plans for the future of Carrickmacross Town Centre through a consultation process taking place between 30 November and 4
Monaghan Public Participation Network AGM
Monaghan PPN invites you to AGM & Network Gathering Don’t forget to register by emailing ppn@monaghancoco.ie. See poster for further details.
Ba mhian le Comhairle Contae Mhuineacháin a chur in iúl go bhfuil eolas maidir leis na bóithre atá sé i gceist a dhúnadh agus na bóithre ar aontaíodh iad a
Rockcorry Vision Plan – Monaghan County Council
The Rockcorry Vision Plan has been funded by the Department of Rural & Community Development and Monaghan County Council under the Town & Village Renewal Scheme & was officially launched
Drum Vision Plan – Monaghan County Council
The Drum Vision Plan has been funded by the Department of Rural & Community Development and Monaghan County Council under the Town & Village Renewal Scheme & was officially launched
Design of the N2 Clontibret to Border Road Scheme recommences
After being suspended for almost two years, the N2 Clontibret to Border Road Scheme has secured EU and Department of Transport funding and is now back up and running. The
Call to Action – Join the 16 Days of Activism Campaign from 25th November to 10th December
The ‘Orange the World’ logo was created by UN Women to symbolize a brighter future free from violence for all women and girls. Each year, UN Women and its UN
Monaghan County Council awarded maximum 3-year reaccreditation by Engineers Ireland
Monaghan County Council’s ongoing commitment to enhancing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) throughout the organisation has been recognised with a maximum 3-year reaccreditation by Engineers Ireland, acknowledging
A Feasibility Study on the Adoption of Alternative Fuel Vehicles for Local Authorities
Monaghan County Council (Ireland) launched A Feasibility Study on the Adoption of Alternative Fuel Vehicles for Local Authorities in partnership with Ards and North Down Borough Council, Armagh City, Banbridge
Part XI Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) Part 8, Article 81 Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) Monaghan County Council hereby gives notice that it proposes to
Part XI Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) Part 8, Article 81 Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) Monaghan County Council hereby gives notice that it proposes to
Concern over potential rise in winter viruses leads HSE to call for increased COVID-19 and Flu vaccination uptake
People with long term health conditions and Healthcare Workers should get both vaccines Make sure you and your family are protected this winter Book online or call HSELive on 1800
EPA Report indicates that Monaghan County Council among best performers nationally in the area of Environmental Enforcement
An EPA assessment report titled “Focus on Local Authority Environmental Enforcement – Performance Report 2022” which was published on November 14th indicates that Monaghan County Council is among the best
Ba mhian le Comhairle Contae Mhuineacháin a chur in iúl go bhfuil eolas maidir leis na bóithre atá sé i gceist a dhúnadh agus na bóithre ar aontaíodh iad a
Public Health, HSE Dublin and North East Press Release
15th November 2023: Public Health, HSE Dublin and North East are reminding people not to handle or touch sick or dead wild birds to protect themselves from Avian Influenza (Bird