The regulations apply to environmental noise including noise from traffic, rail and aircraft. The regulations apply to environmental noise including noise from traffic, rail and aircraft.

The main purpose of the Noise Action Plan is to:-

• Inform and consult the public about noise exposure, its effects and the measures which may be considered to address noise problems

• Address strategic noise issues by requiring competent authorities to draw up action plans to manage noise issues and their effects

• Reduce noise, where possible, and maintain the environmental acoustic quality where it is good

The Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC) aims to put in place a European wide system for identifying sources of Environmental noise, informing the public about relevant noise data and taking the necessary steps to avoid, prevent or reduce noise exposure.

The regulations do not apply to noise from domestic activities, noise created by neighbours, noise at work places, noise inside means of transport or noise due to military activities in military areas.

Monaghan County Council Noise Action Plan (PDF)