N2 Corracrin to Emyvale Road Realignment


The N2 Corracrin to Emyvale Road Realignment scheme (Phase 3) entailed the realignment of 3.3km of the N2 National Primary Road. The N2 is the main Dublin to Derry route through County Monaghan and this section of the route is used by over 8,000 vehicles every day.

The works involve the widening of the existing road to a Type 2 single carriageway, new footpaths, cycleway, signage, road markings, public lighting, road drainage, safety barriers, landscaping and accommodation works.

The scheme is funded by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and was designed by Engineering Consultants Ove Arup & Partners Ireland Ltd.

Gibson Bros (Ireland) Ltd was appointed as the main contractor and construction works commenced in May 2018. The scheme was opened to two-way traffic in December 2019.  and works have been substantially complete since January 2020. The landscaping and other outstanding works will be completed over the subsequent twelve months.

The project represents a major investment in the county’s road infrastructure with a Total Scheme Budget of €13.6 million to cover costs of construction, design, land acquisition and archaeology.  Project completion will bring significant benefits on this busy stretch of road both in terms of safety for road users, and enhanced accessibility for businesses and visitors alike.

Date 20th April 2020.

Background to the N2 Realignment:

The overall N2 Monaghan to Emyvale Road Improvement project started in 2011 with the aim of improving road safety and travel quality on the existing N2 between Monaghan Town and Emyvale village. The project was undertaken in four phases to facilitate design, construction and multi-annual funding. The first phase was completed in 2011 and covered a distance of 1.5km between the townlands of Kilnadreen to Coolkill East directly north of Monaghan Town. The second and fourth phases were completed in 2014 and involved the easement/realignment and widening of 3.6km of the N2 between the townlands of Coolkill East and Corracrin. The current Corracrin to Emyvale phase, (phase 3) is the last section of these phased improvements.
Monaghan County Council Roads Department, May 2019