Roads & Transportation,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK II Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 YH59

Telephone: 047 30597

Public Consultation – Traffic Calming on Monaghan Road, Castleblayney

Legislative Procedure for Traffic Calming Procedures under the Road Traffic Act 1994

Under the Road Traffic Act 1994 (As Amended) A road authority may, in the interest of the safety and convenience of road users, provide such traffic calming measures as they consider desirable in respect of public roads in their charge.

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 (As Amended) of the following scheme:

Installation of a Cycle path & Uncontrolled Pedestrian crossings, on the R183-15 Monaghan Road, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan.


The proposed scheme will consist of:

  • Installation of a new Cycle Path adjacent to the outbound lane of the R183-15 terminating at the Ballybay Rd interchange.
  • Traffic Calming Measures I.e. Road Narrowing
  • Installation of new road markings.
  • Installation of uncontrolled pedestrian crossings.
  • Installation of cycleway and motorist segregation measures adjacent to the inbound and outbound lanes.
  • Erection of new signage and landscaping throughout the scheme.
  • Relocation of all affected 3rd party utilities where required along the length of the scheme.
  • All associated site works.


In accordance with Section 38 of the above-mentioned legislation, Monaghan County Council, as the competent roads authority has concluded that the above scheme complies with relevant section of the legislation, based on the nature, size and location of the proposed scheme.

Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme are available for inspection at the offices of the Road Section, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan during office hours from the 31st of March 2022.

Overall Site Map (PDF)

Map 1, 2 & 3 (PDF)

Map 4 & 5 (PDF)

Due to COVID 19 restrictions, please contact the above mentioned offices to make an appointment to view the Plans and Particulars.

Submissions and observations in relation to the proposed works, may be made in writing to the Roads Section, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan up to 5pm on Thursday 28th of April 2022.



Gareth McMahon,

Senior Engineer Roads Section,

Monaghan County Council