Draft River Basin Management Plan 2022-2027 Public Meeting.
There is a Virtual Consultation Room which can facilitate online submissions on the Draft Plan that you can access at any time by clicking here: https://drbmp-vcr.ie/
Monaghan County Council
There is a Virtual Consultation Room which can facilitate online submissions on the Draft Plan that you can access at any time by clicking here: https://drbmp-vcr.ie/
Lambing time has now begun.
Every year in Monaghan, there are many attacks on sheep by dogs, particularly around lambing time. These attacks cause great cruelty to sheep and lambs. These attacks result in serious losses for the farmer.
Any dog, large or small, may become involved in attacking sheep – MAKE SURE YOUR DOG DOESN’T GET THE CHANCE!
If you own a dog or dogs, you are required to:
Brendan Smyth
County Veterinary Officer
3rd March 2022
Monaghan County Council gives notice of its intention to close the following roads in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney in County Monaghan:
Date & Time: Between Monday 21st of March 2022 and Friday 7th of October 2022
To facilitate: Road Improvement Works
Roads closed:
All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times). Each Road may be closed for a maximum of 2 weeks within the Closure Period
Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned roads with the A/Senior Engineer, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 8th March 2022. Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection To Road Closure”.
If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure please contact The Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney, Civic Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan at (042) 9661236 or email carrickmacross@monaghancoco.ie
Gareth McMahon
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
3rd March 2022
Monaghan County Council gives notice of its intention to close the following road in the Municipal District of Monaghan in County Monaghan:
Date of Closure: 14/03/2022 to 16/03/2022
Times: 19:00pm to 05:00am
To Facilitate: Laying of ESB ducting
Road Closed: Rowantree road (LS5514) at Junction of the North Road (N54) & Rope Walk (LT55141)
Diversion Routes: Westbound traffic diverted via N54, R867 & LP1632
Eastbound traffic diverted via LP1632, LS5515 & N54
Northbound traffic diverted via N54 and LT55142
Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned roads with the Head of Roads, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 1st March 2022. Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection To Road Closure”.
If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure, please contact the Monaghan Municipal District, Glen Road Monaghan at 047 73777 or email monaghan@monaghancoco.ie
This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)
Gareth McMahon
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
24th February 2022
Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Monaghan in County Monaghan.
Dates: Between Monday 28th of February 2022 and Friday 7th October 2022
To facilitate: Road Improvement Works
Roads Closed:
All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times). Each Road may be closed for a maximum of 2 weeks within the Closure Period
This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)
Gareth McMahon
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
24th February 2022
Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following roads in the Municipal District of Monaghan in County Monaghan:
Date: Thursday 17th of March 2022
Time: 12.30 pm to 6pm
To Facilitate: St Patrick’s Day Parade
Roads Closed
Alternative Routes
Diversions from Emyvale to Ballybay, Clones, Cootehill will be via the N2 bypass to the Dublin Road and R937 Macartan Road
Local access to the town centre and the Courthouse car park will be via Glaslough Street, Macartan Road and Castle Road.
All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).
This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)
Gareth McMahon
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
24th February 2022
Monaghan County Council gives notice of intention to close the following roads in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:
Date: Saturday 19th of March 2022
Time: 2pm to 6pm
To Facilitate: St Patrick’s Day Parade
Roads Closed in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones:
R189-7 from Martin’s Shop to Scotshouse Road in Newbliss village
Diversion Routes
Local diversions will be in place
Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned road with the Head of Roads, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 1st March 2022. Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection To Road Closure”. If you have any queries concerning the proposed road closure, please contact Ballybay/Clones Municipal District Office on (047) 51018 or email clones@monaghancoco.ie
This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)
Gareth McMahon
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
24th February 2022
Monaghan County Council gives notice of intention to close the following roads in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross/Castleblayney in County Monaghan:
Date: Thursday 17th of March 2022
Time: 2pm to 6pm
To Facilitate: St Patrick’s Day Parade
Roads Closed in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney;
Carrickmacross from the Dundalk Road Roundabout to the junction of the Dundalk / Donaghmoyne Roads at the entrance to the Stedfast Industrial Complex, through Farney Street, onto Main Street as far as Monaghan Street.
Diversion Routes
Local diversions will be in place
Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned road with the Head of Roads, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 1st March 2022. Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection To Road Closure”. If you have any queries concerning the proposed road closure, please contact Carrickmacross/Castleblayney Municipal District Office on (042) 9661236 or email carrickmacross@monaghancoco.ie
This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)
Gareth McMahon
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
24th February 2022
Monaghan County Council gives notice of intention to close the following roads in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:
Date: Wednesday 16th of March 2022
Time: 6pm to 9pm
To Facilitate: St Patrick’s Day Parade
Roads Closed in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones:
Diversion Routes
Local diversions will be in place
Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned road with the Head of Roads, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 1st March 2022. Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection to Road Closure”. If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure please contact The Municipal District of Ballybay Clones, Co. Monaghan at 047 51018 or email clones@monaghancoco.ie
This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)
Gareth McMahon
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
24th February 2022
Options Selection for Phase 3 of the Ulster Canal Greenway between Smithborough and Clones has now been developed. Public Consultation events will be held over the coming weeks for communities along the proposed route. Landowners, local communities and the general public are invited to review the preferred route drawings, and to discuss with the project team. The drop-in sessions will be held in;