Drivers’ users urged not to fight fatigue at the wheel – August Bank Holiday Weekend

As we approach the August Bank Holiday weekend, in a year which has seen a marked increase in the numbers of people who have lost their lives on our roads, Monaghan County Council’s Road Safety Officer is encouraging everyone to do their part to stay safe.

It is estimated that driver fatigue is a contributory factor in as many as one in five driver deaths in Ireland and tiredness-related collisions are three times more likely to be fatal or result in a serious injury because of the high impact speed and lack of avoiding action.

Speaking on the run up to the Holiday Weekend, Adrian O’Sullivan Road Safety Officer has the following advice to all road users. “There will be increased amounts of traffic on the roads as we head off on a well-deserved break and for many there will be long journeys ahead. Driver fatigue can creep up on you slowly and it is impossible to fight it and the risks can be tragic. Recognise the signs that you are becoming tired behind the wheel take appropriate action and protect not just yourself but your passengers and other road-users.  You should never fight sleep at the wheel.” added Adrian.

Research carried out by the Road Safety Authority has found that 28% of motorists in Ireland say they have fallen asleep or nodded off, even if only for a moment when driving.   Among people who drive for work, this figure increases to 33%.  Those most at risk from driver fatigue are:

  1. Young men
  2. People working night shifts
  3. Those who drive for a living
  4. People with sleep disorders, such as sleep apnoea.

The Road Safety Officer has also appealed to passengers to do their bit. “Tiredness related collisions can have catastrophic consequences as drivers are less likely to take avoiding actions, so if you’re in a car being driven by a tired driver, speak up. Ask them to pull over safely and follow the ‘Stop Sip Sleep’ advice”. I would urge all those travelling this weekend to plan their journeys and don’t try to fight sleep at the wheel. Turning the radio up or opening the window will not prevent fatigue. The only cure for tiredness is sleep.  Many sleep-related crashes are due to lifestyle issues such as driving without adequate sleep, whilst others are due to various medical conditions such as Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome, neurological conditions or the use of certain prescription and non-prescription (over the counter) medicines.”

“Anyone taking medications that are in doubt should check with their doctor or pharmacist who will advise about treatment and any restrictions to their licence, to ensure they keep themselves and other safe while driving” added the Road Safety Officer.

A total of 89 people have lost their lives on Irish roads as at 22nd July 2022. This represents an increase of twenty-six when compared to the same period last year. Two of these fatalities occurred in County Monaghan.   Of the ten people killed on Co Monaghan roads from January 2020 to date, nine were male.

Monaghan County Council Expression of Interest – Purchase of Land for Social Housing 2022-2023

Monaghan County Council is seeking expressions of interest from Developers and Landowners for the purchase of Land for Social Housing purposes in the following areas across the County:

  • Monaghan Town
  • Carrickmacross
  • Castleblayney
  • Clones
  • Ballybay
  • Emyvale
  • All other towns/villages in County Monaghan where there is a Housing Need

The proposed land should ideally suit the size of the town or village as follows:
Towns and villages with populations up to 1,000:- scheme size up to 20 houses
Towns and villages with populations > 1,000 up to 5,000:- scheme size up to 30 houses
Towns and villages with populations greater than 5,000:- scheme size up to 40 houses

Monaghan County Council is interested in proposals on greenfield and brownfield sites.

Land to be of interest to the Council, must be close to services in a town or village, ideally within one mile (1.6km) from shops, schools and local amenities.

For further information please visit or request an information pack from      Housing Department, Monaghan County Council, Glen Offices, Monaghan, County Monaghan via email or by phone at 047 30577.

If you have any Land available or that may become available shortly, you can complete the Submission Document with details, including: asking price, acreage of land, sizes of houses, ownership, date available and location map.

Submissions to be made by e-mail to marked and addressed “Expression of Interest in the Sale of Land to Monaghan County Council 2022-2023”

There are five closing dates for Submissions as detailed below;

  • Submission Date 1: 4pm on 31st August 2022
  • Submission Date 2: 4pm on 30th November 2022
  • Submission Date 3: 4pm on 26th February 2023
  • Submission Date 4: 4pm on 31st May 2023
  • Submission Date 5: 4pm on 31st August 2023(Final Closing Date)

Monaghan County Council is not obliged to purchase any land submitted as part of this process.  Land purchases are subject to the approval of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. Monaghan County Council may also source land by directly approaching property owners, estate agents, online property websites and by other appropriate means.

John Murray
Head of Finance & Housing


Forest Fire Danger Rating – Condition Orange – High Fire Risk

Forest Fire- Danger Rating

Condition Orange – High Fire Risk

Warning Effective From 1200hrs 14/07/2022
Effective Period Expires 1200hrs 20/07/2022

Arising from current weather patterns a high fire risk is deemed to exist in all areas where hazardous fuels such as dead grasses and shrub fuels such as heather and gorse exist. A high-pressure ridge currently located to the south west of Ireland will move northwards during the lifespan of this notice and influence Southerly airflows with high air temperatures low to moderate humidity and moderate windspeeds as the weekend progresses.

Members of the public intending to visit forests and other recreational sites are reminded to adhere to regulations regarding fire use. Forest visitors should not use barbeques or open fires at any stage. Vehicles must not be parked at site entrances or impede emergency service access to forest roads.
Fire risk is expected to peak on Sunday, July 17th. Where fires occur, fire behaviour is likely to be influenced by moderate windspeeds in the 15-25kmh region. Higher windspeeds above the critical 30km/h threshold may be experienced in southern areas. Fire behaviour will be
moderated by increased live fuel availability and high live fuel moisture levels in upland areas


See more information here: Fire Danger Notice 08 Of 2022 Condition Orange

Monaghan County Council celebrates Canada Day 2022

Canada Day in Monaghan recognises the historical and ever increasing links shared between our two great countries.


 Why Canada Day in Monaghan?

In 1994 County Monaghan entered into a municipal twinning agreement with Prince Edward Island as it is within this small island of 140,000 inhabitants, located in the Atlantic Maritimes region, that the most concentrated population of Monaghan descendants exists today outside of Ireland. From research conducted over three decades ago by Professor Brendan O’Grady University of PEI, letters and documents from ship manifests and church records verify that over three thousand immigrants arrived to PEI from 1830 to 1845, mostly from the parishes of Monaghan/Rackwallace, Tydavnet, Clontibret, Donagh, Glaslough and Emyvale. The annual events held by the Fort Augustus Irish Descendants Association celebrate their links with Monaghan as well as the significant contribution their forebears had in the social, economic and cultural development of their island.

In 1999 a similar twinning agreement was signed between Monaghan County Council and Miramichi City Council in recognition of the strong ancestral links that exist between this region and Ireland. The largest Irish festival in Canada has been held here continuously for 32 years, Canada’s Irish Festival on the Miramichi, and is home of the renowned Nelson Doyle School of Irish Dancing.

The above is a snapshot of the wonderful affinity that exists between Canada, County Monaghan and the entire island of Ireland where hundreds of thousands departed in search of a better life across the huge expanses of Canada. That migratory pattern prevails once again today where tens of thousands of young Irish take enthusiasm and knowledge across the Atlantic to work within the strong Canadian economy.

There is much to celebrate between our two countries, culture and shared heritage. Come to Monaghan for the July 1st weekend and be part of that celebration!

Your Council Day

Monaghan County Council puts the spotlight on climate action for this year’s ‘Your Council Day’

Local authorities provide hundreds of services and work hard to make great places in which to live, work and invest.

The vital work of Monaghan County Council employees and the role they are playing in our County’s fight to tackle climate change is being highlighted for this year’s ‘Your Council Day’, which takes place on this Friday 1st July.

Across social media, #YourCouncilDay will showcase the work of our committed and passionate local authority employees who are working to make a difference to the lives of the people in their community.

“Climate change is the defining political, economic, technical and social challenge of our time and Monaghan County Council is committed to leading on climate action” said Nuala Woods, Acting Director of Services, Climate Action, Environmental & Water Services.

“Local authorities have a clear understanding of the priority needs of our communities from a climate action standpoint and can translate¬ goals set out by Government into actions. From active travel initiatives and housing retrofits to reducing our own carbon emissions and working with partners and local communities to tackle the impact of climate change, Monaghan County Council has risen to the challenge of leading our county’s climate action response.”

“Ireland has significantly increased our climate ambition in the past few years. Local authorities play a critical role in translating national climate ambition into local climate action. With our shared goals and objectives across 31 local authorities, we can have a significant impact”

The national Climate Action Plan states that local authorities occupy a pivotal role within communities to demonstrate leadership on climate action at a local and community level.

Monaghan County Council will be developing a climate action plan building on our existing Climate Adaptation Strategy and our commitments in the Local Authority Climate Action Charter. This will clearly outline the steps the Council is taking and will take to meet our climate targets and lead climate action in our areas and communities.

Social media users throughout the community are asked to post their experiences of council initiatives using the hashtag #YourCouncilDay / #DoLásaChomhairle.

Follow Monaghan County Council Facebook/Instagram or #YourCouncilDay / #DoLásaChomhairle to find out what’s happening in Monaghan during Your Council Day.

#YourCouncilDay will showcase what is happening on the day throughout the council and also highlight the innovation shown by local authorities.

Social media users throughout the community are also asked to post their experiences of council initiatives using the hashtag #YourCouncilDay.


HSE Statement – increase in COVID-19 cases in the region in recent weeks urging people who are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine or a booster to get their vaccine.

28th June, 2022:

 The HSE Department of Public Health Area A (Louth, Meath, Cavan, Monaghan and North Dublin) have seen an increase in COVID-19 cases in the region in recent weeks and is urging people who are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine or a booster and who have not yet received it to get their vaccine.

Dr Deirdre Mulholland, Area Director of Public Health Area A, said: “The incidence rates of COVID-19 are increasing again in our general population including amongst the elderly. I would urge people to get their free COVID-19 vaccine or a booster, as the COVID-19 vaccinations are critical to ensure you are protected from serious illness. It is important for people aged 65 and older and those who are aged 12 years and older with a weak immune system to get their second booster vaccine. A second booster can reduce the risk of hospitalisation or death from COVID-19 illness. Every action we take to protect ourselves and those around us to keep cases down and can help our communities stay safe.”

“There are several ways of getting your vaccination; book an appointment online at or ring HSELive on 1800 700 700 to book an appointment in a HSE vaccination centre. Participating GPs and Pharmacists will also continue to provide vaccinations.”

Dr Mulholland added: “We are continuing to monitor COVID-19 epidemiological indicators to quickly detect, understand and communicate emerging issues and trends of concern in the region. While COVID-19 is circulating in our communities, mask wearing is advised in healthcare settings. Individuals are also advised to consider wearing masks in crowded indoor and outdoor settings, e.g. public transport, social gatherings or other activities and events.”

“If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, you should follow the public health advice by staying at home, not attending work and self-isolating until at least 48 hours after your symptom free. We are advising people to adhere to this advice even if you have received your COVID-19 vaccination, had a booster, or had COVID-19 in the past.”


INTERREG Transport Survey – FASTER Project


Take part in survey to help reach zero emission goal

The FASTER Project is calling on members of the public to share their attitudes on electric vehicles and sustainable transport

June 2022: Motorists and transport users across Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are urged to take part in a survey to help identify barriers preventing them from transitioning to electric vehicles.

The aim is for local authorities to gain a better understanding of people’s changing attitudes and behaviours towards electric vehicles and sustainable transport systems to help facilitate the relevant infrastructures in the surrounding areas.

The survey, commissioned by INTERREG and delivered by Transport Research Partners is supported by the FASTER Project, a joint initiative across Scotland, Ireland, and Northern Ireland that supports a model shift to zero emission and sustainable forms of transport.

The FASTER Project will install 73 new rapid charging stations for electric vehicles across the three project regions. The initiative has received €6.4 million EU INTERREG VA funding to further increase awareness of the sustainable options available to motorists and road users.

Match funding has been provided by the Department for Infrastructure (NI), Transport Scotland and the Department for Transport (Ireland).

The Cross Border Local Authority led Organisation East Border Region Ltd are the lead delivery partner for the FASTER Project and commenting on this call to the public, Chairperson Cllr Michelle Hall said:

“The East Border Region are delighted to be leading this exciting and necessary project. Electric vehicles are the future and as Local Authorities, the onus is on us to lead the way and provide the necessary infrastructure to effect change.

“We would encourage everyone to participate in the survey in order to help us determine attitudinal change and the most appropriate methods to support change going forward.”

Donal Monaghan, Project officer, who manages the behavioural change programme for the FASTER Project at South West College added:

“The steady increase in the number of electric passenger and commercial vehicle  registrations proves a growing acceptance of a more sustainable transport system. Over the past 12 months, we have been working closely with agencies across the UK and Ireland, local authorities, government departments and electric vehicle user groups to support this transition.

“There are endless benefits of electric vehicles and other forms of sustainable transport, and we understand with the rising cost of fuel prices, people are reconsidering their mode of transport. Therefore, it is important that the public take this opportunity to make their voices heard and let us know exactly how we can support them on their travel choices.”

Survey respondents will be entered into a prize draw with the opportunity to win a £100 Amazon Gift Card. The closing date for the receipt of completed surveys is Friday 15th July.

The survey is available now at and further information about the study can be obtained by emailing

Find out more about FASTER by visiting

Roads Closed: LT-77011 in the Townlands of Dromore

Temporary Closing of Roads

Monaghan County Council gives notice of its intention to close the following road in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney in County Monaghan:

Date:                     Wednesday 20th July 2022 to Friday 29th of July 2022

To Facilitate:      Road Resurfacing Works

Roads Closed:   LT-77011 in the Townlands of Dromore


 Alternative Routes:

Traffic wishing to proceed on the LT-77011 from the LS-7701 will be diverted onto the LS-7701, then left onto the LT-37031

Traffic wishing to proceed on the LT-77011 from the LT-37031 will be diverted onto the LT37031, then turn right onto the LS-7701.


All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).

Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned road with the Roads Department, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 21st June 2022.  Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection To Road Closure”.

If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure please contact The Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney, Civic Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan at (042) 9661236 or email

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Gareth Mc Mahon

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

16th June 2022




Monaghan County Council wishes to advise the public that from Friday 24th June only Medical 1 Priority applications will be considered for funding under the following Housing Grant schemes –

  • Housing Adaptation Grant for People with Disabilities
  • Mobility Aids Grant for People with Mobility/Disability Needs
  • Housing Aid for Older People Grant


All other applications received after this date will not be assessed until January 2023.



Olga McConnon

A/Head of Finance & Housing Services

16th June 2022