Roads & Transportation,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK II Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 YH59

Telephone: 047 30597

Severe Weather

Local Authorities are required to carry out an annual review of their winter operations and prepare a Winter Service Plan prior to the onset of winter. The purpose of the plan is to identify the processes, procedures and resources utilised in the provision of a winter maintenance service. Monaghan County Council in its plan endeavours to maintain a clearly defined network of priority traffic routes in a passable condition subject to resource availability. Primary responsibility for road safety remains at all times with all road users particularly drivers of vehicles.

To view map of Salting Routes please click the links:.

Salt Bin Scheme

The public are advised to:

  • Look at the designated Salting Routes (PDF) and decide the best options to ensure access to the main routes for emergency services and essential trips.
  • Adapt their driving to the prevailing weather conditions.
  • Have a winter service check carried out on their vehicles.
  • Consider purchasing materials, salt and/or winter tyres for the winter.
  • Consider car pooling or public transport.
  • Visit our Winter Driving Section
  • Visit the Be Winter Ready Website