Paráid Lá Fhéile Pádraig Charraig Mhachaire Rois 2023

Tá Lá Fhéile Pádraig ag druidim linn arís agus táimid ag glacadh ainmneacha eagraíochtaí, gnóanna, bannaí ceol agus srl.,  gur mian leo páirt a ghlacadh i spraoi na bliana seo! ba mhaith linn rath imeachtaí  na bliana seo caite a athchruthú agus paráid na bliana seo a mheadú agus a sharú. Beidh duaiseanna ar fáil do na bannaí ceol is fearr agus na flóta is deise

Tosnóidh an pharáid ag 3pm Dé hAoine 17ú Márta agus is cinnte go mbeidh lá iontach ann do chách.

Tá muid ag súil go mór an oiread bannaí, grúpaí pobail, scoileanna agus gnólachtaí gnóanna, ó Charraig Mhachaire Rois agus na ceantair máguaird a mhealladh le páirt a ghlacadh i bparáid na bliana seo.

Public Notice – Slurry Spreading

Monaghan County Council reminds farmers and agricultural contractors to follow good practice when spreading slurry.

  • Spread slurry when ground and weather conditions are good (check weather forecast and ground conditions before you spread).
  • Leave buffer strips of at least 5 meters away from surface watercourses. This distance increases to 10 m in the first two weeks after and before the prohibited period.
  • Leave buffer strips of at least 20 meters away from lake shorelines.
  • Avoid steep ground near waterways.
  • Avoid heavy application of slurry.
  • Be aware of any drinking water supply sources on or adjacent to lands and the distances to be maintained.
  • Tankers and umbilical systems must only use a downward facing splash plate.
  • Use of a sludge irrigator or rain gun mounted on a tanker is not permitted.
  • Spreading from a public roadway or a laneway within your farm holding is not permitted.
  • From 2023, everyone with a grassland stocking rate of 150kg N/ha or above must apply slurry using Low Emissions Slurry Spreading (LESS) Technology. LESS must also be used for the application of pig slurry

Good land spreading practice optimises the fertiliser value of slurry.

Poor land spreading practice can cause water pollution and can affect Farm Payments.

If you are in doubt whether you or your contractor should spread or not, contact the Environment Section Water Quality team on 042 9661240.


Director of Services, Climate Action, Environmental & Water Services



Carrickmacross St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2023

St. Patrick’s Day is coming upon us once again and we are taking names of any organisations, businesses, bands etc. that wish to take part in this year’s fun! We are anxious to recreate last year’s success and make this year’s parade even bigger and better! There will be prizes for Best Bands and Best Floats!

The parade begins at 3pm on Friday March 17th and promises to be a great day out for all.

We hope to see as many bands, community groups, schools and businesses’ from Carrickmacross and its surrounding areas getting involved in this year’s parade.

Download application form here:  APPLY HERE







Public Consultation on the draft Regional Water Resources Plan – North West (RWRP-NW) ends on 21 February 2023

People are reminded to send their feedback to Uisce Éireann

13 February 2023 – Uisce Éireann’s public consultation on the draft Regional Water Resources Plan – North West (RWRP-NW) is closing on 21 February 2023. The plan sets out options for providing a more secure, reliable and sustainable water supply for approximately 732,700  customers in the North West region over the next 25 years. A three month public consultation on the plan began in November 2022 and will close on Tuesday 21 February.

Uisce Éireann’s National Water Resources Plan will be the first resources plan for the entire public water supply in Ireland. The National Plan will identify the needs across our existing supplies and the challenges and opportunities that we face over the coming years including legislation, climate change, the environment, growth and economic development.

Given the scale of the area to be covered, the National Plan is being rolled out in 2 phases. The National Plan was first adopted in the summer of 2021 and Uisce Éireann has since moved into phase 2, which has 4 separate Regional Water Resources Plans.

The four regions are:

  • Regional Water Resources Plan: North West
  • Regional Water Resources Plan: South West
  • Regional Water Resources Plan: South East
  • Regional Water Resources Plan: Eastern and Midlands

Each Regional Plan is subject to its own consultation and, once adopted, all of the Regional Plans and the Framework Plan will be treated as a unified National Plan.

Public consultation on the draft Regional Water Resources Plan – North West will continue until 21 February 2023.

The draft RWRP-NW describes the North West Region and the current challenges faced now and into the future in terms of delivering a safe, secure and resilient water supply. It identifies progress made to date – for instance, leakage reductions, capital investment works, and works in progress.

There are 142 Water Treatment Plants (WTPs) in the North West Region, which collectively serve 732,700 people or 18% of the population of Ireland, via approximately 17,732 kilometres of distribution network and 119 Water Resource Zones. These treatment plants also serve 74,000 businesses. The region itself covers approximately 26,912 square kilometres, encompassing counties Cavan, Donegal, Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Monaghan, Sligo and parts of Clare, Longford, Louth, Meath and Roscommon. Eight islands off the coast of Ireland are also included in the region.

Speaking ahead of the end of the public consultation period, Mairéad Conlon, Water Resources Strategy Lead for Uisce Éireann said, “We would like to thank those who have engaged with us on the plan so far. We received valuable feedback throughout the consultation from individuals, groups and organisations. We would like to remind those who are interested in sending their submissions in response to the public consultation to do so before Tuesday, 21 February.

“The development of a draft plan on how Uisce Éireann will supply water across the North West region is an important step. The draft Regional Plan will offer key benefits in terms of transformation of our supplies, including the ability to cater for growth and economic development in a sustainable way, improved interconnectivity between our supplies to ensure balanced regional development, and new sustainable water sources that are adaptable to climate change.

“The draft plan sets out how we envisage water will be supplied to homes and businesses across the North West region over the next 25 years. A recorded webinar is also available on our website, in Irish and English, for anyone interested. We have also compiled a list of Questions and Answers from our public webinars and published those online as they may be useful to those writing submissions,” explained Mairéad.

Uisce Éireann is seeking feedback on the public consultation for the draft RWRP-NW and associated SEA Environmental Report and Natura Impact Statement. The documents are available to view at

A 13-week statutory public consultation will continue until 21 February 2023.

Submissions can be made by post or email by 21 February 2023.


Post:  National Water Resources Plan, Uisce Éireann, PO Box 13216, Glenageary, Co. Dublin

This public consultation is everyone’s opportunity to feed into the process of how Uisce Éireann identifies the water supply issues in the North West and determines what the options are to provide a more resilient water supply to customers within the region.

A recording of our webinar in Irish and English is available at

All submissions will be taken into consideration and responses to the issues raised will be summarised in a Consultation Report, which will be published on

2,307 vacant social homes returned to active use in 2022

– Almost €29m in funding recouped by local authorities in Voids Programme

The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, today published figures showing 2,307 vacant social homes were brought back into active use in 2022 under the Voids Programme. This is just above the anticipated figure of 2,273 vacant social homes, indicating that the intensive work in 2020 and 2021 by local authorities in this area has reduced the number of vacant social homes. The Voids Programme support local authorities in preparing vacant homes for re-letting.

Making more efficient use of existing housing stock is a key action in the Government’s Housing for All plan. The Voids Programme builds on the ongoing work to tackle vacancy and dereliction and bring vacant properties into re-use for housing.


Minister O’Brien said:

“Apart from the obvious advantages of meeting demand for social housing, the return of these vacant social homes has a positive impact on communities. It helps avoids vacant homes becoming run down and derelict in some instances and the source of anti-social behaviour.  

“Local authorities seized the opportunity to bring these homes back into active use in 2022 and this will make a real difference to the lives of over 2,300 households.

“It’s important to note and welcome the fact that nationally the number of vacant social homes requiring pre-letting works was lower in 2022 than in 2021 or 2020. This clearly shows that our plan is working. “In 2020 and 2021 we spent more than €88M bringing 6,032 vacant social homes back into use, and evidently, we are reducing the number of voids in need of refurbishment works following those two intense years of tackling vacancy. 

“We are now progressively shifting to a position of planned maintenance of social housing stock to ensure minimal turnaround and re-let times for social housing stock.”

In 2022, local authorities recouped almost €29 million in funding for stock improvement programmes for the refurbishment of vacant local authority-owned social housing. Of the €28.9 million, €3.6 million supported the transition to planned maintenance and included funding towards stock condition surveys.

The number of vacant social homes that had works done to prepare them for pre-letting was lower in 2022 than in 2021 and 2020. This is a result of the intense two-year period of tackling long-term social housing vacancy and legacy vacancy. It was always envisaged that the programme would revert to more normalised levels in 2022.

Local authorities are continuing to transition from a response-based approach to a strategic and informed planned maintenance approach to social housing. This is based on stock condition surveys. The planned maintenance/voids programme in 2022 supported this.

For more statistics on Voids Expenditure click here

St. Patrick’s Day Parade – Monaghan Town (Theme – Pedal Power for the Future) All ideas welcome!

St. Patrick’s Day Parade – Monaghan Town (Friday 17th March 3:00pm)

The Theme this year is ‘Pedal Power for the Future’

All ideas welcome from Pedal Power to Eco Power in business and at home!

Fun for all the family from 1pm.

Prizes will be awarded for: 

  • Best Commercial Float
  • Best Community Float
  • Best Float incorporating the Theme
  • Best Band
  • Best Window Display incorporating theme
  • Best Window Display incorporating Gaeilge

Application form here: Monaghan Parade Application Form 2023

Further information available by email or call 047-73777

More homebuyers now eligible for Local Authority Home Loan – Minister O’Brien announces increases to house price and income limits for all local authority areas

More single applicants will be able to apply for State backed loan

The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, today announced significant improvements to the Local Authority Home Loan that will result in more people being eligible to apply for the State-backed mortgage. The prices of homes eligible for a Local Authority Home Loan and income limits of those eligible to apply for a loan are being increased.

The Local Authority Home Loan was launched in January 2022 as part of Housing for All. It supports creditworthy borrowers who are unable to get finance from commercial banks to buy a home. It can be used for new, second hand or self-build homes. It means those on more moderate incomes are helped by the State to achieve homeownership, a key aim for this Government.

The following changes to the Local Authority Home Loan will come into effect on 1st March 2023:

Increases to house price limits for all local authorities areas:

  • Increase from €320,000 to €360,000 – Dun Laoghaire Rathdown, South Dublin, Dublin City, Fingal, Wicklow, Kildare
  • Increase from €310,00 to €330,000 – Galway City, Cork City, Louth, Meath, Galway County, Cork County
  • Increase from €250,000 to €300,000 – Limerick, Waterford, Clare, Wexford, Westmeath, Kilkenny
  • Increase from €250,000 to €275,000 – Offaly, Laois, Monaghan, Cavan, Donegal, Tipperary, Kerry, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo, Leitrim, Longford, Carlow

Increased income limits for all applicants in each local authority area

  • Increase from €50,000 and €65,000 to €70,000 for all single applicants nationwide
  • Increase from €75,000 to €85,000 for all joint applicants nationwide
    Speaking after the announcement, Minister O’Brien said:

“I am delighted to announce these improvements to the Local Authority Home Loan which will take effect from March 1st. Supporting home ownership is a key objective for this Government and the increase in eligible house prices coupled with the increase in income limits will mean more people can access the loan. 

“Importantly, building on changes made this time last year we are again increasing the income limit for single applicants so that those earning up to €70,000 who wish to purchase a home can avail of the State backed loan. The ‘Fresh Start Principle’ also applies whereby people who are divorced or separated and have no interest in the family home, or who have undergone insolvency proceedings, can also avail of the loan. 

“The changes reflect the reality of today’s housing market and we will continue to keep the Local Authority Home Loan under review to ensure it remains a genuine and relevant support for people who want to own their own home.”

Since February 2018 over 3,300 people have got on the property ladder through the Local Authority Home Loan and its predecessor the Rebuilding Ireland Home Loan.

Minister O’Brien, along with Public Expenditure and Reform Minister Pascal Donohoe TD, will sign the amendment regulations in the coming weeks. The changes will take effect on 01 March 2023.

Further info:

A Local Authority Home Loan offers two fixed interest rate products:

  • 35% fixed for up to 25 years (APR 3.40%)*
  • 45% fixed for up to 30 years (APR 3.51%)*

More information on the Local Authority Home Loan can be found at:

The maximum amounts that can be borrowed will be as follows:

  • In areas with a house price limit of €275,000, the borrowing limit will be €247,500
  • In areas with a house price limit of €300,000, the borrowing limit will be €270,000
  • In areas with a house price limit of €330,000, the borrowing limit will be €297,000
  • In areas with a house price limit of €360,000, the borrowing limit will be €324,000.

For more information on the number of local authority loans approved and amounts paid, at local authority area level, click below:

Approval for 11 biodiversity officers to bring national total to 25

11 local authorities have been awarded funding to appoint biodiversity officers.

11 local authorities have been awarded funding to appoint biodiversity officers to drive local action for biodiversity conservation. This will bring to 25 the total number of biodiversity officers in local authorities across Ireland, following last year’s approval for the appointment of a further ten officers.

The 11 new positions are expected to be filled by September 2023 while a full national rollout is expected to be completed within the next 2 years.

*See list of local authorities to appoint new biodiversity officers in ‘Notes for editors’ below.

The programme is being delivered by the Heritage Council and the County and City Management Association (CCMA) with the support of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

The announcement follows a commitment in the Programme for Government to tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis, following the Dáil’s declaration of a Biodiversity Emergency in 2019, and the Citizens Assembly on Biodiversity Loss in 2022.

In addition to developing a Biodiversity Plan for their area, the new biodiversity officers will advise the local authority on biodiversity-related issues and the authority’s obligations in relation to protecting biodiversity. They will help local authorities to fully integrate biodiversity conservation into all of their policies, plans and actions, through training and the provision of expert advice.

Commenting on the development, Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan, TD, said:

“The appointment of another 11 biodiversity officers is further evidence of our commitment to addressing the biodiversity emergency and fulfilling our objectives as set out in the Programme for Government. These biodiversity experts are exactly the people we need at local authority level to engage local communities and to take practical action to conserve and restore wildlife species and habitats. I look forward to working with them shortly and to moving towards a full national rollout in the coming years.”

Chairperson of The Heritage Council, Dr Martina Moloney, said:

“The Heritage Council is pleased to be partnering with the County and City Management Association (CCMA), to deliver this programme with the support of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Through the appointment of these biodiversity officers, we are prioritising a community-based approach to biodiversity and habitat restoration. The blend of local knowledge and evidence-based science has been very effective in the design and delivery of local heritage plans, and will ensure that local action for biodiversity will focus on the drivers of biodiversity loss, local priority species and habitats, and policies and actions at local level to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.”

Virginia Teehan, Chief Executive of The Heritage Council, said:

“It is appropriate that we are making this announcement on World Wetlands Day, an international day of celebration for wetlands all over the world. Across Ireland, our peatlands play such a pivotal role in helping to mitigate the effects of climate change, and the permanent voice that these new appointees will bring to local authorities is a gamechanger in our efforts to confront these challenges and the other biodiversity challenges ahead.”

John Mulholland, Chair of the CCMA Rural Development, Community, Culture and Heritage (RCCH) Committee said:

“The County and City Management Association is delighted to support this important Biodiversity Officer Programme. The expertise of Biodiversity Officers strengthens significantly our efforts at local authority level to protect and encourage appreciation of biodiversity in our areas. Already biodiversity officers are making a marked difference in their local authority areas. This additional resource commitment will further assist the local government sector to build on our ambition to integrate biodiversity considerations across all of our operations and strengthen our capability to address biodiversity loss and promote climate action in our work and in our communities.”

An bhféadfadh an grúpa pobail agatsa cur le cur chun cinn na nGaeilge i gContae Mhuineacháin le linn 2023?

Tá sé i gceist ag Coiste Gaeilge, Comhairle Contae Mhuineacháin maoiniú teoranta a dháileadh ar ghrúpaí pobail sa chontae a bheadh sásta ócáid a reachtáil le linn Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Bheadh na himeachtaí seo a leanas oiriúnach

  • Léirithe ceoil as Gaeilge
  • Scéalaíocht as Gaeilge
  • Ciorcal Comhrá as Gaeilge
  • Tráth na gCeist as Gaeilge
  • Imeachtaí Spóirt as Gaeilge
  • Pop up Gaeltachta

Ag seo na coinníollacha a bhainfidh leis an maoiniú

  • Beidh an ócáid ar fad as Gaeilge.
  • Is ar ghrúpaí pobail amháin a bhronnfar an maoiniú, ní mór cuntas bainc a bheith ag an ngrúpa. Ní bhronnfar maoiniú ar dhuine aonair.
  • Beidh na himeachtaí ar siúl le linn Seachtain na Gaeilge agus caithfear iad a chlárú ar
  • Ní mór an maoiniú ó Choiste na Gaeilge a admháil in aon phoiblíocht.
  • Ní bhronnfar os cionn €100 ar aon iarratas.

Má tá suim ag an ngrúpa agatsa in ócáid a reachtáil, seol r-phost led thoil chuig Nial Ó Conchúir, Oifigeach Gaeilge ag agus luaigh an t-eolas seo a leanas

  1. Ainm an Ghrúpa
  2. Sonraí Teagmhála
  3. An dáta molta don ócáid
  4. An Láthair atá molta
  5. Cur síos ar an ócáid
  6. An méid atá á lorg (faoi réir uasmhéid €100)

Dáta deiridh Aoine 17 Feabhra 2023.



Could your community group contribute to the promotion of Irish Language in County Monaghan during Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023?

Monaghan County Council’s Coiste na Gaeilge is proposing to distribute a small amount of funding to community groups in the County to host an event as Gaeilge during Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Events might include

  • Music events as Gaeilge
  • Storytelling as Gaeilge
  • Ciorcal Cómhra as Gaeilge
  • Table Quiz as Gaeilge
  • Sport events as Gaeilge
  • Pop up Gaeltachta

The Following conditions will be attached to the funding

  • Events must be As Gaeilge.
  • Funding for community groups only, with a bank account. Individuals cannot apply.
  • Events must be held during Seachtain na Gaeilge and be registered on
  • Funding from Coiste na Gaeilge must be acknowledged in any publicity
  • Grants will not exceed €100 per applicant.

If your group is interested in hosting an event, please send an email to Nial Ó Conchúir Oifigeach Gaeilge at with the following information

  1. Name of Group
  2. Contact Details
  3. Proposed date of event
  4. Proposed Venue
  5. Description of event
  6. Amount being requested (subject to maximum €100)

Closing date is Friday 17th  February 2023.

An bhféadfadh an grúpa pobail agatsa cur le cur chun cinn na nGaeilge i gContae Mhuineacháin le linn 2023?

Tá sé i gceist ag Coiste Gaeilge, Comhairle Contae Mhuineacháin maoiniú teoranta a dháileadh ar ghrúpaí pobail sa chontae a bheadh sásta ócáid a reachtáil le linn Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Bheadh na himeachtaí seo a leanas oiriúnach

  • Léirithe ceoil as Gaeilge
  • Scéalaíocht as Gaeilge
  • Ciorcal Comhrá as Gaeilge
  • Tráth na gCeist as Gaeilge
  • Imeachtaí Spóirt as Gaeilge
  • Pop up Gaeltachta

Ag seo na coinníollacha a bhainfidh leis an maoiniú

  • Beidh an ócáid ar fad as Gaeilge.
  • Is ar ghrúpaí pobail amháin a bhronnfar an maoiniú, ní mór cuntas bainc a bheith ag an ngrúpa. Ní bhronnfar maoiniú ar dhuine aonair.
  • Beidh na himeachtaí ar siúl le linn Seachtain na Gaeilge agus caithfear iad a chlárú ar
  • Ní mór an maoiniú ó Choiste na Gaeilge a admháil in aon phoiblíocht.
  • Ní bhronnfar os cionn €100 ar aon iarratas.

Má tá suim ag an ngrúpa agatsa in ócáid a reachtáil, seol r-phost led thoil chuig Nial Ó Conchúir, Oifigeach Gaeilge ag agus luaigh an t-eolas seo a leanas

  1. Ainm an Ghrúpa
  2. Sonraí Teagmhála
  3. An dáta molta don ócáid
  4. An Láthair atá molta
  5. Cur síos ar an ócáid
  6. An méid atá á lorg (faoi réir uasmhéid €100)

Dáta deiridh Aoine 17 Feabhra 2023.

Could your community group contribute to the promotion of Irish Language in County Monaghan during Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023?

Monaghan County Council’s Coiste na Gaeilge is proposing to distribute a small amount of funding to community groups in the County to host an event as Gaeilge during Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Events might include

  • Music events as Gaeilge
  • Storytelling as Gaeilge
  • Ciorcal Cómhra as Gaeilge
  • Table Quiz as Gaeilge
  • Sport events as Gaeilge
  • Pop up Gaeltachta


The Following conditions will be attached to the funding

  • Events must be As Gaeilge.
  • Funding for community groups only, with a bank account. Individuals cannot apply.
  • Events must be held during Seachtain na Gaeilge and be registered on
  • Funding from Coiste na Gaeilge must be acknowledged in any publicity
  • Grants will not exceed €100 per applicant.

If your group is interested in hosting an event, please send an email to Nial Ó Conchúir Oifigeach Gaeilge at with the following information

  1. Name of Group
  2. Contact Details
  3. Proposed date of event
  4. Proposed Venue
  5. Description of event
  6. Amount being requested (subject to maximum €100)

Closing date is Friday 17th  February 2023.