Taking in charge of Estate & Declaration of Public Roads


Section 180 of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) & Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993 (as amended)

Monaghan County Council propose to take in charge and make a declaration of part of the associated estate roads, footpaths, public lighting, storm water services and public open spaces at the following residential development in accordance with the relevant sections of the above Acts.

  • Lough Na Glack, Drummond Otra, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan.

Location maps of the estate and roads to be declared ‘public roads’ are available for inspection at the offices of Monaghan Council Planning Department, 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan during normal office hours, Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays, for a period of one month commencing on the 02nd of May 2024.  The Council will consider any objections / representations regarding the proposals which are submitted in writing to the undersigned.  Closing date for receipt of objections / representations is 5.00 p.m. on the 18th June 2024.



Director of Services for Planning,

Monaghan County Council,

1 Dublin Street, Monaghan.

Dated this the 02nd of May 2024. 

Public Participation: Identification of Bathing Waters 2024

Local authorities must identify official bathing areas in their area every year so that they can be monitored for safety, water quality and their level of use.  To help with this process, Monaghan County Council are asking people who swim lakes and rivers to tell them if they think they should maintain existing designated bathing waters designations or give a new official bathing area designation to areas that are commonly used for swimming, but not identified at the moment.  Monaghan County Council has presently no designated bathing waters and the vast majority of bathing waters in Ireland are at coastal locations.

Under European and Irish law, Irish local authorities must identify bathing waters each year so that these areas can be monitored to ensure they meet stringent microbiological water quality standards. In some cases, the official bathing areas are also the areas where local authorities focus their resources providing lifeguards during the summer season.  These laws also require that the local authority prepares detailed descriptions or profiles for each of the identified bathing water sites that describe not just the bathing area but also areas in the surface waters catchment area that could be a source of pollution. The profiles include an assessment the risk of pollution and what action would be taken if pollution occurs.

If you are a regular swimmer and want to help your Council decide which bathing areas if any should be classified as such, it might be helpful to consider the following:

  • How your swimming area has been used up to now;
  • How many people use the site;
  • What facilities exist at the site and how accessible it is;
  • Any safety issues.

If you have a submission to make on the identification of bathing waters you can do so by clicking on the link below:


Closing date for submissions Monaghan County Council is 26th of September 2024

RSA’s Check it Fits Child Car Seat Testing Service

The RSA’s Check it Fits Child Car Seat Testing Service will be visiting the following locations in Monaghan: 

Fleming’s Department Store Monaghan Co. Monaghan, H18 WK60 Tuesday 7th May

10:00am – 5:30pm

O’Gorman’s SuperValu, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, A81 V389 Wednesday 8th  May

10:00am – 5:30pm

The Check it Fits service is a full-time, nationwide, free expert service which aims to put parent’s and guardian’s minds at ease that their child’s car seat is safely and securely fitted in their car. No booking necessary just arrive on the day.  

The service is quick, it’s easy, it’s free. Experts will advise on how to fix any problem, demonstrate how to fit the restraint correctly and answer any queries participants might have.

Don’t let your child be a statistic. Get your child car seat checked.




The Draft Noise Action Plan has been informed by and is based on the Strategic Noise Maps which were prepared for Monaghan County Council and which covers road transport noise from major roads with traffic volumes of more than 3 million vehicles per year.

Why We Are Doing It

The Noise Action Plan is required under the Environmental Noise Directive (“END”) (2002/49/EC) which was transposed into Irish law through the European Communities (Environmental Noise) Regulations 2018 (S.I. 549/2018) and the European Communities (Environmental Noise) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (S.I. 663/2021).  The Regulations require Strategic Noise Maps and Noise Action Plans to be made or revised every five years.

When We Are Doing It

This Noise Action Plan covers Round 4 of the implementation of the END.  The final Noise Action Plan must be completed and issued to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) by the 18th July 2024 and subsequently issued by the EPA to the EU Commission by the end of January 2025.

Requirements of the Noise Action Plan

The Environmental Noise Directive (END) requires local authorities to draw-up plans of action which will include measures to ‘address priorities which may be identified by the exceeding of any relevant limit value or by other criteria chosen by the Member State and apply in particular to the most important areas as established by strategic noise mapping’.  It also requires Plans to identify and protect “quiet areas against an increase in noise”.

Why your views matter

The Draft Noise Action Plan relates to Noise from major roads with traffic volumes of more than 3 million vehicles per year within the county and includes the national road; N2 and parts of the non-national road network, namely the R937 (Dublin Road, Monaghan Town), R162 (Glen Road, Monaghan Town), R181 (Main Street, Castleblayney), R183 (Monaghan Road, Castleblayney), R938 (York Street, Castleblayney) & R927 (Main Street, Carrickmacross).

Reader note

Readers are welcome to view the draft plan and aspects of the plan that may be relevant to you.

Electronic copies are available for the reader to download, or alternatively you can view a paper copy of the draft plan and the screening reports at any of the locations below:

1)   Monaghan County Council Offices, Glen Road, Monaghan

2)   Monaghan County Council Offices, M-TEK II Building, Armagh Road, Monaghan

3)   Monaghan County Council, Carrickmacross-Castleblayney Municipal District, Civic Offices,

Riverside Road, Carrickmacross

4)   Monaghan County Council, Ballybay-Clones Municipal District Office, The Diamond, Clones

5)   Castleblayney Library, Gatelodge, 2 Market Square, Onomy, Castleblayney.


Readers are also invited to make any comments on the SEA and AA screening reports accompanying the Draft Noise Action Plan.

Give us your views

Submissions or observations in relation to the Draft Plan are to be made electronically by emailing us at the addresses provided on Monaghan County Council’s Consultation Portal at the following address,

Online Submission

i.e. link to:


specifically, the

Draft Noise Action Plan 2024-2028


Closing Dates

Closing date for submissions on the draft plan is 5pm on 27th June 2024

Closing date for submissions on the Screening reports for the draft plan is 5pm on 30th May 2024



Related Documents:

Draft Noise Action Plan

SEA Screening of Noise Action Plan

AA Screening of Noise Action Plan

Fógra Toghcháin

Údarás Áitiúil:  Comhairle Contae Mhuineacháin

Táthar ar tí toghchán a reáchtáil chun comhaltaí do gach aon cheann de thoghlimistéir áitiúla a thoghadh don údarás áitiúil atá luaite thuas.

Is féidir páipéir ainmniúcháin a fháil ón seoladh thíos le linn uaireanta oifige 9.15 am – 1 pm agus 1.30 pm – 5.15 pm Luan go hAoine.

Féadfaidh duine é féin nó í féin a ainmniú mar iarrthóir i dtoghchán nó féadfaidh duine eile (is duine atá cláraithe mar thoghthóir rialtais aitiúil i limistéar an údaráis áitiúil a bhfuil sé beartaithe ag an duine an t-iarrthóir a ainmniú dó), mar mholtóir, é nó í a ainmniú, lena thoiliú nó lena toiliú i scríbhinn.

Ní mór deimhniú cleamhnachta polaitíochta a bheith ag gabháil le páipéar ainmniúcháin ó iarrthóir páirtí polaitíochta cláraithe agus caithfear é a thabhairt ar aird domsa lena fhoirm/lena foirm ainmniúcháin chomhlánaithe.

Mura mbeidh aon deimhniú tugtha ar aird ní mór don iarrthóir, roimh an am is déanaí chun ainmniúcháin a fháil, ceachtar den dá rud seo a dhéanamh –

  • cúig aontú dhéag leis an ainmniúchán a fháil trí dhearbhuithe reachtúla ó thoghthóirí rialtais áitiúil a bheidh cláraithe sa toghlimistéar áitiúil ábhartha (tá na foirmeacha ar fáil uaimse nó ón údarás cláraithe), nó
  • éarlais de €100 a íoc (is féidir éarlais a íoc thar ceann an iarrthóra freisin).

Is é 12 meánlae an 18ú lá de Bhealtaine, 2024 an t-am is déanaí le hainmniúcháin a ghlacadh.

Is féidir leis an iarrthóir nó lena mholtóir/a moltóir páipéir ainmniúcháin chomhlánaithe a sheachadadh chugam i bpearsa tráth ar bith a bhím i m’oifig, ó 10am an 11ú lá de Bhealtaine, 2024,  go 12 meánlae ar an lá is déanaí le hainmniúcháin a ghlacadh.

(ríomhphost returningofficer@monaghancoco.ie chun dáta agus am a shocrú)

Tá ceangal orm faoin dlí a bheith i láthair le glacadh le hainmniúcháin idir 10am agus 12 meán lae agus idir 2pm agus 5pm an 17ú lá de Bhealtaine, 2024 agus idir 10am agus 12 meán lae an 18ú lá de Bhealtaine, 2024.

Má bhíonn toghachán comhraic ann, reáchtálfar vótaíocht an 7ú lá de Mheitheamh, 2024 idir 7 am agus 10 pm.


Carmel O’Hare

Ann Ceann Comhairimh

Comhairle Contae Mhuineacháin,

Oifigí an Chontae,

An Gleann, Muineachán



Date:     25 Aibreán 2024

Notice of Election

Local Authority:  Monaghan County Council

An election of members for each of the local electoral areas of the above-mentioned local authority is about to be held.

Nomination papers may be obtained from the address below during office hours 9.15 am – 1 pm and 1.30 pm – 5.15 pm Monday to Friday.

A person may nominate himself/herself as a candidate or may, with his/her consent, be nominated by a proposer who is registered as a local government elector in the local electoral area of the local authority for which he/she proposes to nominate the candidate.

A nomination paper from a candidate of a registered political party must have a certificate of political affiliation attached which must be produced to me with his/her completed nomination paper.

If no certificate is attached, the candidate must, before the latest time for receiving nominations, either-

  • secure 15 assents to the nomination by way of statutory declarations by local government electors registered in the relevant local electoral area (forms available from me or the registration authority), or
  • make a deposit of €100 (deposit may also be made on the candidate’s behalf).


The latest time for receiving nominations is 12 noon on the 18th day of May, 2024.

Completed nomination papers may be delivered to me in person by the candidate or his/her proposer at any time when I am at my office, from 10am on the 11th day of May 2024 until 12 noon on the last day for receiving nominations.  (please email returningofficer@monaghancoco.ie to arrange a date and time). 

I am required by law to attend to receive nominations between 10am and 12 noon and between 2pm and 5pm on the 17th day of May 2024, and between 10am and 12 noon on the 18th day of May 2024.

If the election is contested, a poll will be taken on the 07th day of June, 2024 between the hours of 7.00 am and 10.00 pm.



Carmel O’Hare

Returning Officer

Monaghan County Council,

County Offices,

The Glen, Monaghan



 Date:     25 April 2024



Lá Cultúir & Gaeilge Í Pairc Grattan, Inniskeen – Bank Holiday Monday 6th May

Í Pairc Grattan, Inniskeen – Bank Holiday Monday 6th May

The Inniskeen community along with the local GAA club are presenting a “Lá Cultúir & Gaeilge” as part of their festival weekend over the May Bank Holiday (May 3rd-6th). The “Lá Cultúir & Gaeilge” will promotion of the Irish language and the promotion of all aspects of traditional Irish culture is the theme of the day. The day will commence with the annual Comortás Peil “Keeva Kelly” tournament taking place at 10am. Five local GAA clubs will compete throughout the morning. The Stage events begin at 12 noon and will include many forms of Irish culture:

Amhránaiocht – Singing

Ceol Uirlise – Instrumental Music

Rince Gaelach – Irish Dancing

Caint & Comhrá sa Pop-Up Gaeltachta

Dramaíocht – Drama Group

Aithriseoireacht – Recitations

Lá Spraoi Teaghlaigh – Family Fun Activities

….Agus i bhfad níos mó (and much, much, more…)



The community has reached out to various Cultúrtha Grupá (Cultural Groups) from local dance schools, to traditional Ceoltóirí branches for instrumental groups, ballad groups and singers in Monaghan, Louth, Armagh & Cavan to check with their availability on the day. The format of the day will see each group perform for 10-20mins each between 12-4pm. Cultural Branches or Groups confirmed include:

  • Scoil Rince Cosceol, Darver
  • McGee School of Irish Dance, Dundalk
  • Shercock Dance School – Rafter School of Dance
  • Aoife Mc Cabe Music & Dance
  • Latton Instrumental Group
  • Inniskeen Traditional Group
  • Inniskeen Ballad Group
  • CCÉ Tullycorbett
  • CCÉ Aughnamullan CCÉ
  • CCÉ Carraig Mhachaire Rois
  • Glór Ná Carraige
  • Ring of Gullion Comhaltas
  • CCÉ Muineacháin
  • CCÉ Scotstown
  • CCÉ Cootehill
  • Irish Draimaíocht (Drama)
  • Traditional Irish Singers & Recitations

…. And many more acts on the day.

Countryfest 2024 Ceoltas

The Inniskeen community would like to thank the support of the various groups who have committed to performing on the day. The event is open to all musicians, singers and reciters to join in on the day. Along with the different acts all the local Cumann Gaeltgeoirí (Irish Speaking Branches) are invited to the event where a “Pop-Up Gaeltachta” section will be reserved. These include Irish speaking groups from Carrickmacross, Monaghan, Dundalk, Cavan and Gaelphobal Ard Mhacha.

The event will also see the famous Dublin City Ramblers perform live @ 4pm. The event is Free Admission and is supported by Monaghan County Council Irish Language Committee and Muineachán Le Gaeilge. The hard-working Inniskeen Committee running the event extends a Céad Mile Fáilte – Open Invitation to all locals in the region to come along, to enjoy and celebrate our Irish Culture, and local Irish talent from the region. Once again, its FREE ADMISSION and the stage events commence @ 12 NOON

Installation of a Pedestrian Crossing with Belisha Beacon and Lighting on the L5516, Oriel Way, Killyconnigan, Monaghan Town, Co Monaghan.

Legislative Procedure for Traffic Calming Procedures under the Road Traffic Act 1994

 Under the Road Traffic Act 1994 (As Amended) A road authority may, in the interest of the safety and convenience of road users, provide such traffic calming measures as they consider desirable in respect of public roads in their charge.

 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 (As Amended) of the following scheme:


Installation of a Pedestrian Crossing with Belisha Beacon and Lighting on the L5516, Oriel Way, Killyconnigan, Monaghan Town, Co Monaghan.

 The proposed scheme will consist of:

  • Installation of a Pedestrian Crossing with a combined Belisha Beacon and Lighting.
  • Installation of Drainage pipework where required.
  • All associated site works.

In accordance with Section 38 of the above-mentioned legislation, Monaghan County Council, as the competent roads authority has concluded that the above scheme complies with the relevant section of the legislation, based on the nature, size, and location of the proposed scheme.

Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme are available for inspection at the offices of the Road Section, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan and also at Monaghan MD Office, Glen Road, Monaghan Town during office hours from the 19th April 2024.

Submissions and observations in relation to the proposed works may be made in writing to the Roads Section, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan, or MD Offices. up to 4 pm on Tuesday 21st May 2024.

Signed:                Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer Roads Section

Monaghan County Council

