Local Economic Community Plan (LECP)
The purpose of the LECP is to set out the objectives and actions needed to promote the economic development and community development of Monaghan, both by the local authority directly, and in partnership with other economic and community development stakeholders.
This consultation will seek the views of people living in the three MD areas of Monaghan, diverse communities of interest as well as public, private and community sectors.
Have your say
This consultation will form stage one of the consultation process alongside an online survey. The survey, and further information, including the Socio-Economic Statement, which contains high-level goals for the LECP, can be accessed at the links below:
Complete the Local Economic & Community Plan online consultation community survey: https://ecv.microsoft.com/HS0sfBbo1j
Complete the Local Economic & Community Plan online consultation business survey: https://ecv.microsoft.com/iFlLs6kW08
View Monaghan Socio-Economic Statement here: DRAFT Monaghan Socio-Economic Statement
Public consultation events for the Monaghan Local Economic Community Plan (LECP) will take place throughout April 2023 at the following venues:
April 13th 11.00am till 13.00 Garage Theatre, Monaghan
April 13th 2.30 till 4.30 Peace Link, Clones
April 19th 6.00pm – 8.00pm Workhouse, Carrickmacross.
April 18th 7.00pm – 8.30pm online event*
*To register for the online event please contact npayne@monaghancoco.ie
A written submission can be made by email to lcdc@monaghancoco.ie or by post to Community Development–LECP, Monaghan County Council, The Glen, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan, H18 YT50.