Everyone encouraged to Check the Register as Local Authorities begin update campaign

The Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan, T.D., today (Wednesday June 21) called on electors and potential electors to engage with the latest Check the Register campaign.

The campaign launching today aims to encourage everyone, including those already registered to vote, to go to checktheregister.ie and either confirm or update their details. In a year when there is a referendum promised and less than 12 months before we have local and European elections Minister Noonan is encouraging everyone to act now to get ahead to ensure their information is correct. He said:

“Local authorities around the country are gearing up for a substantial body of work over the summer months to update the electoral register and further improve its accuracy but they can’t do it on their own. Even if we’re already on the register, we all have a part to play and we can do this by checking and either confirming or updating our information. Adding details including date of birth and PPSN allows local authorities to cross-check and confirm the information provided by each person, adding to the integrity of the process.

We can also let local authorities know about other changes needed, for example in relation to family members who are deceased and still on the register, I think we all know that it can be upsetting for a loved one to receive a polling card for someone no longer with us.”

A campaign run in November last yielded over 35,000 applications through the Check the Register website during the course of the campaign and a total of 76,000 to date. The Minister hopes that the simplicity of the process will see significant numbers of people confirming or updating their information.

This campaign will see a national campaign roll out on broadcast, outdoor and digital channels. Local authorities will also undertake activities in their local area to encourage people to get their details up to date in advance of the opportunities to vote taking place in the year ahead.

“Voters across the country now have a simple and straightforward way of engaging with their local authority on the electoral register through checktheregister.ie. Those in the Dublin region can also use Voter.ie. The ability to engage online has been a game-changer in the registration process both for registration authorities and for the wider public. These changes give us a more accessible, flexible and modern system that’s simple and straightforward to use. It has never been easier or quicker for people to register to vote or update their details, or simply let the local authority know that their details are current and correct by adding their PPSN and date of birth, so that’s what we’re encouraging everyone to do today”.

Monaghan County Council celebrates Canada Day 2023

Canada Day in Monaghan recognises the historical and ever increasing links shared between our two great countries.

 Why Canada Day in Monaghan?

In 1994 County Monaghan entered into a municipal twinning agreement with Prince Edward Island as it is within this small island of 140,000 inhabitants, located in the Atlantic Maritimes region, that the most concentrated population of Monaghan descendants exists today outside of Ireland. From research conducted over three decades ago by Professor Brendan O’Grady University of PEI, letters and documents from ship manifests and church records verify that over three thousand immigrants arrived to PEI from 1830 to 1845, mostly from the parishes of Monaghan/Rackwallace, Tydavnet, Clontibret, Donagh, Glaslough and Emyvale. The annual events held by the Fort Augustus Irish Descendants Association celebrate their links with Monaghan as well as the significant contribution their forebears had in the social, economic and cultural development of their island.

In 1999 a similar twinning agreement was signed between Monaghan County Council and Miramichi City Council in recognition of the strong ancestral links that exist between this region and Ireland. The largest Irish festival in Canada has been held here continuously for 32 years, Canada’s Irish Festival on the Miramichi, and is home of the renowned Nelson Doyle School of Irish Dancing.

The above is a snapshot of the wonderful affinity that exists between Canada, County Monaghan and the entire island of Ireland where hundreds of thousands departed in search of a better life across the huge expanses of Canada. That migratory pattern prevails once again today where tens of thousands of young Irish take enthusiasm and knowledge across the Atlantic to work within the strong Canadian economy.

There is much to celebrate between our two countries, culture and shared heritage. Come to Monaghan for the July 1st weekend and be part of that celebration!

Monaghan County Council highlights the vital work of local authority staff and the services they provide on ‘Your Council Day’

The vital work of Monaghan County Council employees and the role they play in our county’s social and economic life is being highlighted on ‘Your Council Day’,  which takes place on Friday 23rd June.

Local authorities provide thousands of services with the aim of making great places in which to live, work and invest. Across social media, #YourCouncilDay will showcase the work of our committed and passionate local authority employees who are working to make a difference to the lives of the people in their community.

“Monaghan County Council plays a key role in the physical, cultural, social and environmental development of our communities” said Cathaoirleach David Maxwell.

“From the services you might commonly associate with councils like roads or housing, to other areas like community development, heritage, the arts, tourism, environment, Monaghan County Council is working for everyone. Our employees are at the heart of what we do and on Your Council Day, we are celebrating the innovative ways they serve their community and aiming to make sure that the public are aware of the services available to them.”

On Your Council Day local authorities including Monaghan County Council will provide a ‘behind the scenes’ look at a typical day in the council to show the public the variety of services their council provides.

Social media users are encouraged to follow their local authority on social media or share their experiences of council initiatives using the hashtag #YourCouncilDay / #DoLásaChomhairle.

Follow @MonaghanCoCo or #YourCouncilDay / #DoLásaChomhairle to find out what’s happening in County Monaghan during Your Council Day.

Community Climate Action Plan Workshop – Tuesday 20th Jun at 6.30pm in the Hillgrove Hotel

We look forward to welcoming you to the Community Climate Action Plan Workshop on Tues 20th Jun at 6.30pm in the Hillgrove Hotel.  The workshop will be an opportunity to learn about Monaghan’s Community Climate Action Programme to support communities to take climate action at a local level. A briefing on eligibility, funding scales and project themes will be given. Come along to find out about the funding available and help us shape the actions in the county’s new Climate Action Plan. Please see details on flyer


16th June 2023


Monaghan County Council signed the contract for Newbliss Enterprise and Digital Hub project on Friday the 16th of June 2023. The ‘Hub’ will act as a key driver for the sustainable regeneration of Newbliss Village.

This €2.7 million Project is funded through the Department of Rural and Community Development’s Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF), with match funding being provided by Monaghan County Council.

Following public procurement process, Monaghan County Council are pleased to award the contract to Lowry Construction Limited.

Architects Hall Black Douglas has completed the detailed design which will see the former Courthouse in Newbliss converted to a remote working, enterprise and digital hub. The ‘Hub’ which will be managed and operated by Enterprising Monaghan will consist of:

  • Rentable desks for students/remote workers
  • Meeting room
  • Canteen
  • offices of varying sizes
  • multifunctional space outbuilding

The signing of the Contracts took place in the Ballybay-Clones Municipal District chamber, with Minister Heather Humphreys, Cllr Sean Conlon Cathaoirleach of Monaghan County Council, Cathaoirleach Hugh McElvaney Ballybay – Clones Municipal District and the Elected Members.

The ‘Hub’ will increase footfall and address dereliction in Newbliss Village through the refurbishment of a vacant listed building, the project will act as a catalyst for economic recovery in the area.


A study area for the Ballybay to Castleblayney Greenway has now been developed. Public Consultation events will be held over the coming weeks for communities along the proposed route.
Landowners, local communities, and the general public are invited to review the Study Area and to discuss with the project team.

The drop-in sessions will be held in: The Doohamlet Community Centre, Thursday 15th June 4:30-7:30pm

Should you have any queries in relation to the Ballybay to Castleblayney Greenway, please contact the Ballybay & Clones Municipal District on 047-51018.

Road Works Speed Limit Order

Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Road Traffic Act 2004 Section 10 (1) of the Council’s intention to put in place Special Speed Limits for Road Works on the roads listed below in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones. The speed limits are being put in place in the interest of road safety to facilitate roadworks.      

50km/h speed limit signs will be in place at the following locations in the Municipal District of Monaghan Townland Name Start Date End Date
R181 Lough Egish to Shercock Road: For a distance of 3km between its junction with the LP 4040 at Shantonagh to the end of the works at Corraharra.


Lisirril and Tullyrain 26/06/2023 07/07/2023

Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

30th May 2023

Temporary Closing of Roads – R181 Lough Egish to Shercock Road: For a distance of 3km between its junction with the LP 4040 at Shantonagh to the end of the works at Corraharra.

Monaghan County Council gives notice of its intention to close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:

Date:     Monday 26th June 2023 to Friday 7th July 2023

To Facilitate:      Road Improvement Works


Road Closed:

R181 Lough Egish to Shercock Road: For a distance of 3km between its junction with the LP 4040 at Shantonagh to the end of the works at Corraharra.

Diversion Routes:

Northbound traffic travelling from Shercock to Lough Egish will be diverted onto the R178 to Carrickmacross and then onto the R180 to Lough Egish.

Southbound traffic travelling from Lough Egish to Shercock onto the R180 to Carrickmacross and then onto the R178 to Shercock

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).


Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned road with the Roads Department, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 13th June 2023.  Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection To Road Closure”.

If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure, please contact The Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones, Co. Monaghan at 047 51018 or email clones@monaghancoco.ie.


This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

8th June 2023





Temporary Closing Of Roads – L-2340 in the townlands of Lisdarragh and Drumaghakeel

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure:               Monday 19th June 2023 to Friday 30th June 2023

To Facilitate:                     Bridge Rehabilitation Works 

Road Closed:                     L-2340 in the townlands of Lisdarragh and Drumaghakeel


Diversion Routes:

Traffic wishing to travel on the L-2340 in the direction of the R183 will be diverted by remaining on the R189 to Newbliss, then continuing on to the R183.

Traffic wishing to travel on the L-2340 in the direction of the R189 will be diverted by remaining on the R183 to Newbliss, then continuing on to the R189.

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access will be catered for. No through road will be available at the bridge works).

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75).


Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Transport, Community and Rural Development

8th June 2023