Age Friendly

Age Friendly MonaghanAge Friendly Programme

Monaghan has been an Age Friendly County for over a decade. Monaghan County Council signed up to become an Age Friendly County in September 2011.

An Age Friendly County is a place where more and more older people can stay living in their own homes and communities, lead healthy and active lives, get to where they want to go, and are valued contributors to the lives of their communities.

The Age Friendly programme involves a multiagency, multi-sectoral approach to age-related planning and service provision.

Seamus McDermott was officially confirmed as the Age Friendly Ambassador for Monaghan at the Launch of the Croke Park Age Friendly Stadium in 2022. His role involves networking and encouraging community members to participate in local activities that cater to older people’s needs and interests.


Monaghan Older People’s Council (OPC)

Monaghan OPC is a representative group of older people in the county. The Council identify priority areas of need, raise issues of importance and inform and influence the decision making process of the Monaghan Age Friendly Programme initiatives. Representatives of the OPC participate on the Monaghan Age Friendly Alliance committee.


Monaghan Age Friendly Alliance

This is a high level, overarching strategic partnership that brings together representatives of older people in the county with the public, as well as voluntary, community, academic and private sectors. The Alliance oversees the realisation of the goals and actions of the Monaghan Age Friendly Strategy.

For enquiries please email: or Telephone: 047 45090 or  087 216 6289 


Business Recognition Programme

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