Emyvale is one of the communities which was selected for development of a community plan in 2018. The process of consulting with the community started back in January 2018, coinciding with a consultation on how best to spend a grant of €25,000 secured by the Council for the village under the Town & Village Renewal Programme. A community needs survey followed, which provided people living in the area with an opportunity to have their say on what was important to them. Local groups were also invited to make their needs known. These were all pulled in to one document, which seeks to identify the many components which must be put in place in order for the community as a whole to thrive.
By listing the projects out in this Community Plan, it is hoped that it will help a potential funder to visualise how each project fits into the overall development of the area, and thereby give context to a project application. Ultimately, we hope that this will lead to more successful funding applications, and more resources being brought in to the area, for the benefit of the people of Emyvale.
The planning process has stalled at draft stage. It is hoped to re-visit the draft plan at a future date.
You can view the Draft Plan here:
One of the proposed projects in the Plan is a Plaza/ gathering point in front of the leisure centre. The purpose of this space is both to provide a focal point for the village, and to serve as a shelter for the adjacent bus stops. Small scale drawings of the proposed design are included in the Draft Plan document.
Since embarking on this journey together, the Council and community have been successful in securing funding for the following projects in the village:
- €50,000 was secured from the Town & Village Renewal Scheme to purchase ‘Red Boys’ pub to turn it into a community hub
- €9,500 Community Enhancement Programme 2018 – Upgrade gents toilets in Leisure Centre –
- €75,000 Town & Village Renewal programme 2018 – upgrade playground and install outdoor gym