The PEACEPLUS Programme

Monaghan County Council has been allocated €4.5 million under Theme 1 ‘Building Peaceful and Thriving Communities’ to deliver a co-designed local community PEACEPLUS Action Plan.

The co-designed approach will enable diverse partnerships to establish priority actions for their local areas and collectively address these in a manner which will make a significant and lasting contribution to peace and reconciliation.

The plan will be centred around three core themes.

  1. Local community regeneration and transformation
  2. Thriving and peaceful communities
  3. Building respect for all cultural identities

To identify local community needs and key priorities that will promote peace and prosperity across the district, the Council is holding a number of public consultation events to hear your views on the development an Action Plan.

For more information on Peace IV, click the link below: 




Nicola Payne


Tel: 047 30500