In this Series Deirdre looks at how you should structure your story as well as some hints & tips to bring it to life.

Facing a Blank Page

In the first of the series I debunk some myths about writing and show you how to invite inspiration into your life.

Using the 5 Senses

In this video I show you how to make your writing resonate emotionally with a reader by:

– using the 5 senses.

– showing only via things.

– show don’t tell.

 This will make your written visceral, immediate and alive. There’s also a powerful writing prompt at the end to get you writing.

How to create Characters that resonate

How do you make your reader remember your writing long after they’ve read it? An essential step is to create a fully rounded human being.

In this video I talk about how important it is to explore the inner life of your character so the reader will resonate with their emotional journey.

If you’re inspired by this week’s video, don’t forget you can submit up to 10 pages of prose or script, or two poems to and each week I’ll pick a selection to review and give feedback on.

How to Structure your Story

Find out what the 5 elements are in every story and how you can use these to write a story that will keep your reader hooked.

I also talk about how the deeper, emotional journey works within a story.