
Scotshouse is one of the communities which was selected for development of a community plan in 2018. The process of consulting with the community started back in 2016/7, with consultation around the plot of land beside the community centre, which the Council purchased with a view to creating a community park. The community assisted in the design of that amenity, and this led on in January 2018 to a public meeting in the community centre, where the wider needs of the community were discussed. A community needs survey followed, which provided people living in the area with an opportunity to have their say on what was important to them. Local groups were also invited to make their needs known. These were all pulled in to one document, which seeks to identify the many components which must be put in place in order for the community as a whole to thrive.

By listing the projects out in this Community Plan, it is hoped that it will help a potential funder to visualise how each project fits into the overall development of the area, and thereby give context to a project application. Ultimately, we hope that this will lead to more successful funding applications, and more resources being brought in to the area, for the benefit of the people of Scotshouse.

Community Plan Scotshouse – Nov 2019

You can view the Draft Plan here:

A feedback form is available here, to help you to comment on the Plan:

You can also view the plans for the Community Park here:

Since embarking on this journey together, the Council and community have been successful in securing funding for the following projects in the village:

Programme Project Amount
CLAR 2018 Provision of Car Parking facilities & Upgrading of Road Markings at Scotshouse Community Centre €29,757
CLAR 2016 Youth hangout area & basketball court beside playground €29,040
CLAR 2016 Installation of a new Pedestrian Crossing in the village €22,000
Community Enhancement Programme 2018 To carpet the hall and stairs in Community Centre €1,000
Community Enhancement Programme 2018 To refurbish a room in the Community Centre for use as a youth centre €4,000
Town & Village Renewal 2018 Development of the community park €72,000

We hope that there will be even more successes to come, as a result of this planning exercise.