Flooding & Flood Risk Management


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Catchment Flood Risk Assessment & Management

CFRAM is Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management. The national CFRAM programme commenced in Ireland in 2011 and is central to the medium to long-term strategy for the reduction and management of flood risk in Ireland. The Programme delivers on core components of the National Flood Policy, adopted in 2004, and on the requirements of the EU ‘Floods’ Directive. The Irish CFRAM programme is being carried out in parallel with similar programmes across the European Union.

The Office of Public Works (OPW) is the lead State body for the coordination and implementation of Government policy on the management of flood risk in Ireland. The OPW is also the national authority for the implementation of the EU Directive on the Assessment and Management of Flood Risks [2007/60/EC]. OPW works in close partnership with all Local Authorities in delivering the objectives of the CFRAM Programme.

Implementation of the requirements EU Floods Directive is being coordinated with the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive and the current River Basin Management Plans. The Programme is also being undertaken with close cross-border coordination,

The CFRAM Programme comprises three phases:

  • The Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA): 2011
  • The CFRAM Studies and parallel activities: 2011-2015
  • Implementation and Review: 2016 onwards

The Programme provides for three main consultative stages:

  • 2011 Preliminary Flood Risk Assessments
  • 2014 Flood Hazard Mapping
  • 2015 Flood Risk Management Plans

Details of the latest consultation phase can be obtained by clicking on the following link:-

Draft Flood Risk Management Plans

Further general information can be obtained at www.cfram.ie and specific information can be obtained at www.neaghbanncframstudy.ie or www.neaghbanncframstudy.ie

The Water Framework Directive is being implemented in parallel to the National CFRAM Programme and the EU ‘Floods’ Directive. The implementation of the two directives is being coordinated to promote integrated river basin management. For further information on the Water Framework Directive, please refer to www.environ.ie/en/Environment/Water/WaterQuality/WaterFrameworkDirective/