What is ePlan?
The ePlan application will allow you to view Planning Application information for all Monaghan Planning Authorities, Monaghan County Council, Monaghan Town Council, Clones Town Council, Castleblayney Town Council and Carrickmacross Town Council. Searches can be carried out by Applicant Name, Application Number, Townland, Application Received, Decision Due and Decisions Made in the last number of days. Links are available to the gPlan Application (Interactive Planning Maps) to view the site location of the planning application.
How long does it take to get planning permission?
In most cases the Notification of Decision will issue no later than 8 weeks after the date of application. However, in some cases the Planning Authority may request additional information if the information originally provided by the applicant is deemed to be insufficient. In such cases the Notification of Decision will not occur until at least four weeks after the required additional information has been provided. In the case of applications which are not refused, the Notification of Grant of Permission will issue approx. 5 weeks after the date of the initial Notification of Decision. In summary, in the case of applications which are not refused and which are not subject to a request for further information, the Notification of Grant of Permission will issue approx. 13 weeks after the date of application.How much does it cost to make a planning application?
Application relating to Single Dwellings :
Planning Permission to construct dwelling house – €65.00
Outline Permission to construct dwelling house – €48.75
Application for Permission Consequent to Outline – €34.00
Permission to construct extension/domestic garage – €34.00
Permission to remove planning condition – €80.00
Planning Permission to construct dwelling house – €65.00
Outline Permission to construct dwelling house – €48.75
Application for Permission Consequent to Outline – €34.00
Permission to construct extension/domestic garage – €34.00
Permission to remove planning condition – €80.00
Application relating to Agricultural Developments:
Planning Permission for 200 square metres or less building – €80.00
Planning Permission for more than 200 square metres building – €1.00 per square metre
The scale of planning fees for all types of development is contained in Pages 227-231 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2011. Click on the following link to view:-
What information must appear in my press notice?
The required text of a planning press notice is prescribed by Article 18 of the Planning & Development Regulations, 2006. Click on the following link to view theses regulations:-
Which newspapers may be used for publication of planning press notice?
The following newspapers are approved in accordance with Part 4 Article 18 (2) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2006 for use in Monaghan County Council for giving notice of the intention to make a planning application.
Anglo Celt
Northern Standard
Irish Independent
Irish Daily Star
Irish Times
Dundalk Democrat (Municipal District of Carrickmacross – Castleblayney only)
What information must appear on my site notice?
Click on the following link to view/print a sample site notice:-
How can I check the status of my/any planning application?
Click on the following link to check the status of planning applications:-
How can I arrange a pre-plan meeting with a planner?
You can arrange a pre-plan meeting with a planner by contacting Planning Section at tel 047 30532. The meetings take place every other Wednesday and the duration of a pre-plan meeting is 20 minutes. Waiting time for a pre-plan meeting is approx one week – but this may vary.
When can I speak to a planner by phone?
Planners may be contacted by telephone on Tuesday or Thursday mornings between the times of 09.15 to 11.00 am only. Contact tel 047 30532 or tel 047 30500 and ask for Planning Section.
Can I send in an e mail query?
You can e mail queries to planning@monaghancoco.ie
Do I need to get planning permission for an extension to my house?
The Planning & Development Regulations 2001 provide that certain categories of work/development around a domestic dwelling may be regarded as exempted development (i.e. development that does not require planning permission). For further information, click on the following link to view the Department of Environment information leaflet:-
Do I need planning permission to build or convert a domestic garage?
The Planning & Development Regulations, 2001 provide that the construction of a garage may be regarded as exempted development if it meets certain criteria. There are also provisions in relation to the conversion of a garage for domestic use. Click on the following link to view the Department of Environment information leaflet and view questions 6 and 7:-
How long does planning permission last?
Full Planning Permission expires five years after the date of the Notification of Grant of Permission.
Outline Permission expires three years after the date of the Notification of Grant of Permission.
Permission Consequent to Outline Permission expires five years after the date of Notification of Grant of Permission.
Outline Permission expires three years after the date of the Notification of Grant of Permission.
Permission Consequent to Outline Permission expires five years after the date of Notification of Grant of Permission.
Are there any information leaflets available?
Click on the following link to view Department of Environment leaflets on planning matters.
Department of Environment information leaflets
Click on the following link to Monaghan County Council Planning which contains planning application form, planning check list, site notice and other relevant information:-