Notice of making of General Development Contribution Scheme 2021-2026


PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000 (as amended)


Monaghan County Council has adopted a new General Development Contribution Scheme for the period 2021-2026 under the provisions of Section 48 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) on 6th September 2021, which comes into effect from that date.

The Development Contribution Scheme sets out development contribution charges proposed to be levied on planning permissions in respect of Traffic & Pedestrian Facilities and also Community, Recreation & Amenity Facilities.

The Development Contribution Scheme can be viewed by clicking on the document link below. For ease of reference the proposed changes from the current scheme in place have been indicated in red. Notable proposed changes include:-

  • Exemption for development contributions applicable to telecommunications infrastructure that is part of a Government endorsed strategy, plan or initiative, or where operators demonstrate service is being provided where there is no or inadequate mobile or broadband service
  • Previous car parking exemptions removed to take account of County Development Plan reductions in car parking standards in town centres
  • Inclusion of Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 provision that any reductions in charges in a newly adopted development contributions scheme will apply to previously permitted developments not yet commenced or to unsold housing units
  • Other clarifications provided such as in respect of agricultural and industry exemptions
  • No changes to charges except in relation to the scale of charging based on the area of infilling development, and on output of exported to grid renewable energy development exporting to the grid

Adopted Dev Cont Scheme 2021 2026 (PDF)

A short presentation on the Development Contribution Scheme can be viewed by clicking on the document link below.

Adopted DCS Scheme Public Presentation Sep 2021 (PDF)

A copy of the General Development Contribution Scheme is also available for inspection at Planning Offices, 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan from 9.15am to 1pm and from 1.30pm to 5pm, Monday-Friday. Due to current COVID-19 restrictions prior contact should be made with the planning office in respect of viewing arrangements.


PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000 (as amended)


Monaghan County Council has prepared a draft Development Contributions Scheme for the period 2021-2026 under the provisions of Section 48 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).

 The draft Development Contribution Scheme sets out development contribution charges proposed to be levied on planning permissions in respect of Traffic & Pedestrian Facilities and also Community, Recreation & Amenity Facilities.

The draft Development Contributions Scheme can be viewed by clicking on the document link below. For ease of reference the proposed changes from the current scheme in place have been indicated in red. Notable proposed changes include:-

  • Exemption for development contributions on telecommunications infrastructure that is part of a Government endorsed strategy, plan or initiative, or where operators demonstrate service is being provided where no or inadequate mobile or broadband service
  • Car parking exemptions removed to take account of County Development Plan car parking standards reductions in town centre
  • Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 – where new development contributions scheme adopted, any reductions in charges will apply to developments not yet commenced or unsold housing units
  • Other clarifications provided e.g. agricultural and industry exemptions
  • No changes to charges (which are among lowest in State) except scale of charging based on output of exported to grid renewable energy development and area of infilling development


Draft Development Contributions Scheme 2021 2026 Public Changes (PDF)


A short presentation on the draft Development Contributions Scheme can be viewed by clicking on the document link below.

Presentation On The Draft Development Contributions Scheme 2021 2026 (PDF)

A copy of the draft Development Contributions Scheme is also available for inspection at the places and times listed below, up to and including the 1st July 2021. Due to current COVID-19 restrictions prior contact should be made with these venues in respect of viewing arrangements.


Submissions or observations in relation to the draft Development Contributions Scheme may be made in writing to Monaghan County Council before 5pm on 1st July 2021 as set out below:-

Any submission or observation made to the planning authority within this period will be taken into consideration before the making of the development contributions scheme by the Elected Members of Monaghan County Council.:

Adrian Hughes

Senior Planner

20th May 2021