Monaghan Sports Partnership Sports Club Grant Scheme 2017

Monaghan Sports Partnership’s key aim is to support and increase participation in Sport and Physical Activity.Monaghan Sports Partnership’s key aim is to support and increase participation in Sport and Physical Activity.With this in mind, MSP is pleased to announce a Grant Programme for 2017 for sports clubs that provide activities of a sporting or physical activity nature and in particular projects that attract new members or which increase participation in an activity.

Applications are now being accepted for assistance under this fund, which is available under two strands:

  • Strand 1: Sports Club basic grant programme
  • Strand 2: Sports Club Participation Development Project grant programme

(Strand 2 applications require the submission of a development plan for a period of 12-18 months which will result in increased membership / participation)

Closing date for applications: Wednesday 20th December 2017 at 5pm.
Information Sessions on the Grant Programme will take place on:

Monday 27th November 2017 at 7.30pm in Castleblayney Enterprise Centre
Thursday 30th November 2017 at 7.30pm in YWCA, North Rd, Monaghan (Y-Zone room downstairs)

Application form, Guidelines (terms & conditions) and Sample Development Plans will be available at these sessions or can be downloaded from or requested from our office at 042-9755126



In conjunction with the three Municipal Districts under the remit of Monaghan County Council, Monaghan Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) will administer the recently launched RAPID Programme for 2017 in the county.

The Programme is focused on tackling social exclusion and improving the quality of life for residents in disadvantaged urban areas and provincial towns. Under the programme, eligible groups/ organisations may apply for grants for capital projects or elements of projects which would improve the quality of life for residents in disadvantaged urban areas. The total amount of funding available for 2017 is €64,500.

Applications should relate to at least one key target group and thematic area in order to be eligible for consideration e.g. youth, older people, or projects promoting integration. The Programme will target projects falling under the strategic themes as set out in the Monaghan Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2021 (LECP). The plan can be viewed at

Monaghan County Council, on behalf of the LCDC, will make payments directly to the successful groups, expected to be in December 2017.

Further details on the RAPID programme 2017, including details on eligible urban areas, together with application forms and guidelines are available by contacting Fionnuala at 047 73720 or emailing or by downloading the forms here:



BY 5pm on 24 November 2017 to:-

Fionnuala Mulligan, “Rapid Programme 2017”,
Monaghan County Council/Monaghan LCDC,
Community Development Section,
The Glen, Monaghan.



Golden Glaslough! Village Officially Recognised as one of Europe’s Best

The picture perfect village of Glaslough put Co. Monaghan firmly on the European map on Friday, 15th September, as nineteen delegates from the village, accompanied by staff and Cathaoirligh from Monaghan County Council, descended on the spa resort town of Podčetrtek, Slovenia for the announcement of the results of this year’s prestigious Entente Florale Europe awards, and came home with a Gold Award, the highest accolade in the competition.

Group Award
“A proud moment for Co. Monaghan. The Glaslough delegation pose with the bronze plaque which will be erected in Glaslough village, next to the plaque commemorating the village’s win of the National Tidy Towns Title in 1978. Seated front are (l to r): Gareth Corrigan (Chair Glaslough Tidy Towns), Ann McGhee (Mayor of Glaslough), Cllr Paudge Connolly (Cathaoirleach Monaghan MD), Cllr Cathy Bennett (Cathaoirleach Monaghan County Council, Louise Duffy (Projects Co-Ordinator Glaslough Tidy Towns). Back row (l to r): Irish Jury members Dr Christy Boylan and Eamon de Stafort, Donal McElwain, Monaghan Municipal District Co-Ordinator, Melanie Colleran, Noel Keelan, Patricia Murphy Thom, Dennis Flannery, Monaghan County Council Horticulturalist, Claire Cunningham, Maeve Treanor, Noel Kennedy, Helen Kennedy, Irene Gormley’s hair!, Bridie Comiskey, Siobhan Cheung, Ciaran Teague, Marie Colleran, Susan Shipley, Carol Lambe, competition Co-Ordinator for Monaghan County Council, Liz Morrough, Jamie Duffy. (missing from photo: Packie McGhee, who’d wandered off to get his hair and make-up done)”

The competition is run by the European Association for Flowers and Landscape, which is an international non-profit association, which aims to promote social and cultural development to enhance Horticulture, Tourism and Environment. They do this by encouraging actions that foster a better quality of life for urban dwellers, and their main tool for so doing is the annual Entente Florale Europe competition, which is run in 9 countries. Participating towns and villages are visited by an international Jury during the summer, awarding marks against set criteria.  Depending on the marks awarded, each participating village or town is then awarded either a bronze, silver, or gold merit, and given a rather substantial plaque to display in their town.

“Gareth Corrigan, Chairman of the Glaslough Entente Florale Steering Committee and Chair of Glaslough Tidy Towns, and Louise Duffy, Projects Co-Ordinators for Glaslough Tidy Towns, accept the bronze plaque which accompanies the Gold Award from Chairman of Entente Florale Jury, Rudi Geerardyn. Also in the photo are (l to r): Irene Gormley, Claire Cunningham, Cllr Paudge Connolly, Cathaoirleach of Monaghan Municipal District Council and Cllr Cathy Bennett, Cathaoirleach of Monaghan County Council”

Ireland’s entries are nominated by the National Tidy Towns unit in the Dept of Environment each year, with only two towns or villages representing any participating country. Abbeyleix in Co. Laois, Ireland’s other representative, was awarded a Silver merit, and won the President’s Award for Biodiversity for their wonderful bog conservation work.

Click here to read full Press Release >>

Want to see what all the fuss is about?
Click here to view:


Sliabh Beagh Masterplan

Welcome to the Draft Sliabh Beagh Masterplan public consultation process.
The Masterplan has been jointly commissioned by Monaghan County Council and Fermanagh & Omagh District Council to establish a strategic vision for the future of this important rural area.
The plan is being produced by Landscape Architects, The Paul Hogarth Company, working in close consultation with local people.
These boards summarise the emerging findings, aims, objectives and projects. You are kindly invited to review these draft proposals and to share with us your feedback, so helping improve the plan.

See full Sliabh Beagh Masterplan PDF here >>


The Monaghan LCDC PEACE IV Programme, which is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body, is a unique initiative of the European Union which has been designed to support peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland.

Launch of PEACE IV Monaghan – Paul Clifford Monaghan County Council, Niamh Smyth TD, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD, Gina McIntyre SEUPB, Heather Humphreys TD, Cathy Bennett Cathaoirleach of Monaghan County council

The PEACE IV Partnership has been working on the development of programmes since March 2016; beginning with consultation and engagement sessions, public information events, focus groups, project design and development, and finally an extensive application and assessment process with the Special EU Programmes Body.

The content of the Monaghan LCDC PEACE IV Local Action Plan has now been agreed by the Northern Ireland Executive and the Irish Government with the overarching priority of supporting peace and reconciliation within three main themes:

  • Children and Young People with a budget of €638,544.89
  • Shared Spaces and Services with a budget of €1,078,906.06
  • Building Positive Relations with a budget of €1,321,117.01


To launch the new PEACE IV Programme, a public event was held on Thursday 7th September. Representatives of the Council including the Chief Executive Eamonn O’Sullivan, Cathaerloich Councillor Cathy Bennett, Director of Community Development Paul Clifford, members of the PEACE IV Partnership, and members of the Local Community Development Committee attended the event.

Chief Executive of Monaghan County Council, Eamonn O’Sullivan commented, “The Monaghan Peace Plan was adopted after extensive consultation, in partnership with cross – community bodies throughout the county. I would like to thank the Peace Partnership Board, Local Community Development Committee and all who contributed to the plan”

Launch of PEACE IV Monaghan – SEUPB Gina McIntyre, Elected Representatives Cavan/Monaghan Niamh Smyth TD, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD, Heather Humphreys TD, Cathy Bennett Cathaoirleach of Monaghan County council and County Councillors Aidan Campbell, Pat Treanor & Senator Robbie Gallagher, Monaghan County Council Eamonn O’Sullivan Chief Executive, Paul Clifford Director Of Services

Representatives from SEUPB were also in attendance and provided an overview from a funding perspective. Speaking at the event Gina McIntyre, CEO of the Special EU Programmes Body said; “The projects that will be supported by this funding will all play their part in opening up ‘mind-borders’ as they will encourage real local cross-community and cross-border working, which is imperative in ensuring that we in this region continue to be more outward looking.”

The launch event marked the official start of the new PEACE IV Programme, bringing together local community groups, sports clubs, church groups, youth clubs, delivery agents and activity providers, to find out how they could get involved in the Programme.

The PEACE IV Programme is an EU funded Programme designed to support peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the border region. It is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

Match-funding for this element of the PEACE IV Programme has been provided by the Executive Office in Northern Ireland, the Department for Rural & Community Development (Shared Spaces and Services/Building Positive Relations) and the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government in Ireland (Children and Young People).

A project supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

Launch of PEACE IV Monaghan – Monaghan PEACE IV Partnership Board

Launch of Phase 2 of the Ulster Canal Greenway

Monday 11th September 2017’

In partnership with Waterways Ireland, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and East Border Region Ltd., Monaghan County Council launched Phase 2 of the Ulster Canal Greenway Project on the 11th of September 2017. This cross border project was officially launched by Minster Shane Ross of the Department of Transport Tourism and Sport and Minister Heather Humphreys of the Department of Culture Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Link to official Press release here)
This €4.95m INTERREG VA funded project will extend 22km between Smithborough in County Monaghan and Middletown in County Armagh and is due to open in 2020. Click here to find out more

NASA Initiative launched

Who is the safe socialising committee?
Monaghan Safe Socialising committee is a subgroup of Monaghan Youth Network and comprises of voluntary and statutory agencies who have been working together as an interagency group to safeguard our under 18’s who may be attending under age discos. The group have taken a number of different approaches when trying to promote their message. Their pieces of work have been focussed at parents, young people and other agencies who have a duty of care when dealing with young people.

Parental and Youth Initiatives
Chaired by An Garda Síochána the members have implemented a number of initiatives to date. Last year they produced a very informative information leaflet “Discussing the Disco” which is a parent’s guide to protecting their teenager on a night out. The aim of the leaflet was to provide parents with some practical advice and guidance on how to protect their teenagers on a night out. It also provides some advice on how to delay teenagers from drinking alcohol. This leaflet has been distributed to parents through the schools, libraries and at local discos where parents are dropping off or collecting their teenagers.

In their approach to young people they are encouraging young people to have their medical details and next of kin information accessible on their android or iphone in the case of an emergency. This can be done in two different ways. As part of the Don’t Pour Your Dreams away campaign young people will be informed of the health app which is on all iphones. This app can be used to store your medical details and emergency contact details and can be accessed on your phone without requiring your phone to be unlocked. Should a young person be found in an emergency situation, the relevant authorities will be in a position to notify their parents/ guardians if this information has been completed. You will find this heart shaped icon on all iphones and all young people are encouraged to insert the relevant information. On all android phones the ICE facility is available – In Case of Emergency. A similar facility, it will allow emergency services to contact your selected person in the event you are unable to provide those details.

Launch of NASA – No Alcohol or Substances Allowed
Over the last number of months the group have been working closely with a number of Local Bus Companies and the Four Seasons Hotel on ensuring young people travelling to under 18’s events are doing so in a safe, alcohol free manner. The group were aware of a similar initiative that was piloted in Roscommon and thought that a similar piece of work could be developed for County Monaghan. Those participating bus companies which have signed up to the NASA Voluntary Code of Conduct will mean that their drivers will commit to a zero tolerance policy of alcohol on board while transporting passengers to and from an under 18’s event. Bus Companies will be supplied with stickers which will be displayed on their buses to highlight that they are participating in the initiative. The safe socialising group were delighted to launch the project on Thursday 31st August in the Four Seasons Hotel.

Just in time for the release of Junior Certificate results next week we appeal to you to look out for the NASA sticker on your local bus and support those companies who are working to safeguard young people who are travelling to under 18 events throughout the County. If a bus company would like to find out further information on the initiative you can contact Garda Pat Merrick, Juvenile Liaison Officer, Castleblayney Garda Station on 042 9747900 or any member of the safe socialising committee.

Ulster Canal Greenway Development

Ministers at the North South Ministerial Council (NSMC) agreed proposals in June 2015 to facilitate the development of a Greenway along the route/linear corridor of the Ulster Canal from Castle Saunderson, Co Cavan to Charlemont, Co Armagh. The NSMC also agreed Waterways Ireland should undertake the role of lead partner on this project with the support of the relevant Councils and other stakeholders along the route.

The plan will bring disused sections of the canal towpath back into public use, creating a fantastic amenity for the people of the mid-Ulster region. The vision is that in addition to providing a quality sustainable transportation corridor and leisure facility for local people, the greenway network will attract visitors to this underdeveloped tourist region. This will ensure that tourism plays a bigger role in driving sustainable economic development in the region.

Read full Newsletter here (PDF)

Is your Community’s Defibrillator Cabinet in need of an Upgrade?

The funding may also be used to supply a cabinet to a new defibrillator group where a community has not had a defibrillator before, if the community undertake to supply the defibrillator.

Sites MUST be located in the CLÁR eligible areas marked blue and yellow on the above map.

If your community wishes to participate in this scheme, contact:

Community Dept.,
Monaghan County Council
The Glen,
Monaghan Town
H18 YT50
047 30500

Carol Lambe:

Fionnuala Mulligan:

Closing date for receipt of expressions of interest is Friday 11th August

Deadline for carrying out works is end September 2017