Open Call for Culture Night proposals

What is Culture Night?

Culture Night/Oíche Chultúir is a national moment, celebrating all that makes up the richness and diversity of Culture in Ireland today, connecting people to cultural activities locally and nationally and aims to open up pathways to ongoing engagement. An annual, all-island public event which takes place each year and this year taking place on Friday 22nd September 2023, it celebrates culture, creativity and the arts and seeks to actively promote the belief that this rich and varied culture is alive, treasured and nurtured in people’s lives, today and every day. Special and unique events and workshops are specifically programmed at participating locations and thanks to the continued support of the Arts Council and local Authorities across the island of Ireland, all activities are made available to the public free of charge.

Culture Night
  • Encourages more people to visit cultural venues and experience culture in their locality
  • Reminds us all about the fantastic cultural facilities and resources that we have locally and nationally
  • Raises the profile of cultural organisations, activities and facilities
  • Encourages people to try new things and to get into the habit of going more often to cultural venues and activities in their locality
  • Makes it easier for people to play a role in their local cultural scene
  • Helps create a sense of community and belonging
Who makes Culture Night happen?

Culture Night happens because many people share a vision and enthusiasm for enjoying, celebrating and promoting creativity and culture. The following list gives a taste of the wide range of institutions that make it happen across Ireland: The public, artists, performing groups, galleries, museums, sport clubs, libraries, arts centres, craft workers, studios and workshops, theatres, public spaces, broadcasters, schools, community groups, local authorities, government departments, state agencies and public bodies, transport companies, universities, shops and many more! For full details on Culture Night see:   

Culture Night in County Monaghan

 Culture Night has been celebrated throughout County Monaghan for several years and we want to build on this momentum again in 2023. If you are a Monaghan based creative practitioner/artist, not-for-profit organisation, local community group, arts, heritage and cultural groups, venues, and societies, we would like to hear your proposal.

What are we looking for?

 In terms of programming, as per Culture Night criteria it is not only about promoting our cultural venues and organisations but engaging creative practitioners as we endeavour to promote the Pay the Artist initiative. We are particularly interested in participatory projects that can give ownership on the part to the audience; initiatives which may broaden the concepts of culture; projects which include equality, inclusion, accessibility and diversity; and projects which can have lasting legacies beyond Culture Night. We also advocate for groups/venues to collaborate on programming with creative practitioners. We seek programming which creates opportunities for increased participation with those who may not always have easy access to events of a cultural nature, particularly but not limited to the following – Asylum seekers, migrants and migrants; arts and disability; Irish traveller culture; promoting gender equality.

To find out more and receive application form email


Closing Date: Expression of interest applications must be returned by 5pm Friday 23rd June by email only.