Expression of Interest Homeless Accommodation

Monaghan County Council is seeking expressions of interest from Proprietors of Guest Accommodation/Hotels who wish to have their facility or rooms therein, included in the Council’s list of retained Emergency Accommodation for homeless families and individuals.

Family and single rooms may be required to meet emergency accommodation needs as they arise.

Proprietors will:

  • Provide catering and laundry facilities for clients.

Monaghan County Council will:

  • Nominate clients as required.
  • Pay agreed fee.

Accommodation may be required in the following areas primarily:

  • Monaghan
  • Carrickmacross

Submissions should detail:

  • type of accommodation,
  • number of rooms to be included,
  • confirm availability for check in times.
  • price per night/week/month and
  • confirm catering and laundry facilities availability.
  • Details of compliance with Fire and Building Control Regulations


Expressions of Interest should be submitted to for the attention of the A/Senior Executive. Closing date  5pm 12th April 2024

Note: Monaghan County Council may contact accommodation providers directly to source accommodation and negotiate rates whether or not providers have responded to this EOI.




The Route Options Selection for the Ballybay to Castleblayney Greenway has now been completed and the Preferred Route Option has been developed.  A Public Consultation will open from the 14th of March 2024, for a period of 4 weeks, to the 11th of April 2024. Maps indicating the Preferred Route can be viewed at the lin below. Landowners, local communities, and the general public are invited to review the Preferred Route and to discuss with the project team.

You can view the Preferred Route Option that has been develop on the website at

 Should you wish to make an observation or comment in relation to the Preferred Route Option, you can make a submission on the website at

 Should you have any other queries in relation to the Ballybay to Castleblayney Greenway, please contact the Ballybay & Clones Municipal District on 047-51018

Monaghan County Council Arts Service to offer two bursaries for arts practitioners based in the Monaghan area 

Theatre Forum is delighted to be working with Monaghan County Council Arts Service to offer two bursaries for arts practitioners based in the Monaghan area to attend the Theatre Forum Gathering in Sligo on 28 and 29 May 2024. These Bursaries are exclusively devised for those who have previous experience in working or being engaged as a theatre and or arts practitioner.

Each Artist Bursary will cover:
Ticket to Theatre Forum Sligo Gathering includes all day sessions, two lunches, dinner, coffee breaks and the artistic programme
Artist Honorarium of €150
Accommodation and Travel Contribution of €150 
(To be arranged by the artist – see for details of accommodation deals)

Applicants must be living in the Monaghan area.

Deadline to apply: Friday 19 April 2024**


Monaghan County Council Artist Bursaries – Theatre Forum Sligo Gathering (

Monaghan Way – among new walks added to the National Walks Scheme

-The significantly upgraded Monaghan Way is among new walks added to the National Walks Scheme✨

The new-and-improved Monaghan Way running from Inniskeen to Castleblayney includes three new looped walking trails ranging from 4.9km to 10km in length 🤗 Crank up the Poetry Jukebox by the River Fane in Inniskeen, bask in beautiful farmland along quiet country roads and soak up breath-taking views of Lough Muckno.

Read more here ➡️

Brochure (PDF): MW Brochure FINAL

#MyMonaghan #moretomonaghan

MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL Important Notice to all Landowners and Occupiers of Land in relation to Hedge cutting

Monaghan County Council  would like to remind all landowners and occupiers that Section 40 of the Wildlife Act 1976, as amended by Section 46 of the 2000 Amendment Act, prohibits the cutting, grubbing, burning or destruction of vegetation, with certain strict exemptions, from 1 March to 31 August.

There is provision in the legislation for some restricted exemptions from the prohibition during the closed period – e.g. for works undertaken in the ordinary course of agriculture or forestry, for public health and safety reasons, including road safety, the destruction of noxious weeds, for the clearance of vegetation in the course of road and other development works or the development of sites for building works.

 Gareth McMahon

A/Director of Service

Roads and Transportation

29th February 2024


Monaghan County Council  would like to remind all landowners that cutting,grubbing, burning or destruction of vegetation is prohibited from 1 March to 31 August

Residential Zoned Land Tax Annual Draft Map Public Information Evenings

The Residential Zoned Land Tax (RZLT) was introduced in the Finance Act 2021.  The objective of the tax is to activate land that is serviced and zoned for residential use or mixed use which includes residential use, in order to increase housing supply and to ensure regeneration of vacant and idle lands in urban locations.

Monaghan County Council has prepared an Annual Draft Map of the land considered to be in scope for the RZLT as of 1st January 2024.  The Annual Draft Map is currently on public display and explanatory information is available to view online at

Monaghan County Council are running a series of Public Information Evenings at the following locations specified:

Monday 4th March 2024 The Courthouse McCurtain Street


Co. Monaghan

H23 N290


6.30pm – 8.30pm
Tuesday 5th March 2024 The Planning Office,      

1 Dublin Street, Monaghan

H18 X982


6.30pm – 8.30pm
Wednesday 6th March 2024 Council Chamber, Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney Offices, Civic Offices,

Riverside Road, Carrickmacross,

A81 RY22


6.30pm – 8.30pm


We welcome any interested individuals or parties to attend to discuss any queries in relation to the Annual Draft Map, the proposed Residential Zoned Land Tax generally or to seek advice on how to make a submission.


Display of Annual Draft Map

In addition to being available to view on our website, the Annual Draft Map is also available on public display at the following locations and times specified:-

  • Planning Offices– 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982 (Monday to Friday 9.15am-1pm and 1.30pm-5pm)
  • County Offices– The Glen, Monaghan, H18 YT50 (Monday to Friday 9.15am-1pm and 1.30pm-5.15pm)
  • Municipal District of Ballybay-Clones Offices– Market House, The Diamond, Clones H23 X378 (Monday to Friday 9.15am-5.15pm)
  • Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney Offices– Civic Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross A81 RY22 (Monday to Friday 9.15am-5pm)

Any interested individuals or parties may make submissions in respect of land on the Annual Draft Map as set out below.


In accordance with the amending provisions of the Finance Act (No.2) 2023, those lands zoned as Strategic Residential Reserve are no longer in scope for RZLT. In addition, having regard to appeal decisions made by An Bord Pleanála, lands located within Tier 4 settlements are no longer in scope for RZLT.


Please note that RZLT does not apply to residential properties if they are subject to Local Property Tax (LPT). These residential properties are indicated on the map in accordance with the requirements set out by Section 653B of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (as amended by the Finance Act 2021) and the Residential Zoned Land Tax – Guidelines for Planning Authorities June 2022, however it is not necessary to make a submission to remove them from the RZLT map.


Making a Submission

Submissions on the Annual Draft Map may be made by the public from 1st February 2024 until 1st April 2024.  These submissions can be made:

  1. In writing to Monaghan County Council, Planning Office, 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982, or
  2. By email to, or
  3. Via the online submission form at


Submissions can be made by 1 April to:

  • Identify additional land which may fall into scope, but which is not included in the annual draft map;
  • Challenge the inclusion of land on the map if the owner considers that the land does not meet the criteria which determine the land in scope;
  • Challenge the date from which the land is considered to be in scope;
  • and/or Support the proposed exclusion of land.


Submissions can be made by 31 May 2024 to request a change of zoning of land identified on the annual draft map for 2025.

Any submission must clearly identify the site and outline what change (i.e. inclusion/exclusion of land on a local authority map, or the date on which the site first met the criteria for inclusion on the map) to the Residential Zoned Land Tax mapping you are seeking, as well as provide a justification for the change sought.


The submission must state the criteria  set out in Section 653B of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (as amended by the Finance Act 2021) on which is being relied upon in the submission for the land being in or out of scope. The local authority may also request additional information after the receipt of the submission (e.g. proof of ownership or further information).


Further details on making a valid submission and how lands have been identified in scope for the tax are set out at


Valid submissions must be submitted to the Planning Section of Monaghan County Council.

If submitting a paper copy this must be received by t

Increased Cost of Business (ICOB) Grant available for small & medium sized businesses!

Increased Cost of Business (ICOB) Grant available for small & medium sized businesses!


As part of Budget 2024, the Government signed off on a package of €257m for the Increased Cost of Business (ICOB) Grant as a vital measure for small and medium businesses. Monaghan County Council, funded through Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE), will manage the rollout of the grant to qualifying businesses.

Eligible businesses will receive a once-off grant payment. The amount of the grant payable to eligible businesses is based on the value of the Commercial Rates bill the business received in 2023. However, it is not a Commercial Rates waiver and businesses should continue to pay their Commercial Rates bill as normal.

What is the purpose of the grant?

The grant is available to qualifying businesses as a contribution towards the rising costs faced by businesses. The grant is intended to aid businesses but is not intended to directly compensate for all increases in wages, or other costs, for every business.

How much is the grant?

The grant is based on the value of the Commercial Rates bill received by an eligible business in 2023.

– For qualifying businesses with a 2023 Commercial Rate bill of <€10,000, the ICOB grant will be paid at a rate of 50% of the business’s Commercial Rate bill for 2023.

– For qualifying businesses with a 2023 Commercial Rate bill of between €10,000 and €30,000, the ICOB grant will be €5,000.

– Businesses with a 2023 Commercial Rates bill greater than €30,000 are not eligible to receive an ICOB grant.

What businesses are eligible to receive the grant?

The following are the main qualifying criteria:

  • Your business must be a commercially trading business currently operating from a property that is commercially rateable.
  • Your business must have been trading on 1st February 2024 and you must intend to continue trading for at least three months from the date you verify your information.
  • You must provide confirmation of your bank details.
  • Your business must be rates compliant. Businesses in performing payment plans may be deemed to be compliant.
  • Your business must be tax compliant and must possess a valid Tax Registration Number (TRN).

Please note that Monaghan County Council reserves the right to claw back any grant payment which is later found to be incorrect. This includes any circumstances such as error by the recipient business or the local authority making the payment, or where a business makes a false declaration of eligibility.

How soon can businesses avail of the grant?

An online system is being developed to manage the submission of essential information. Monaghan County Council will write shortly to businesses with further details, including how to register and how to submit information online. The system is expected to be available in mid-March.

What is the closing date?

The closing date for businesses to confirm eligibility and to upload verification details will be 1st May 2024.

Where can I find out further information?

Further correspondence and guidance will be issued to commercially rateable businesses in the next few weeks. In addition, an FAQ will be available online when the grant scheme opens. You should refer to this guidance and FAQ prior to making your submission.

If you have queries regarding your Commercial Rates account including outstanding balances, contact Monaghan County Council at 047 73739 or email Our team are happy to discuss any balances outstanding on your rates and what steps can be taken to ensure compliance with the scheme.


Ballybay/Clones MD News

At the February Ballybay/Clones Municipal District Meeting Cathaoirleach Cllr Sean Gilliland presented the Thomas Treanor 1916 Award to Largy College student Emily Butler as the highest achiever in Junior Certificate History in 2023.

Thomas Treanor was a native of Mill St., Monaghan who also lived at Swans Cross . He resigned as assistant County Surveyor for the Clones No.1 Rural District Council and Cootehill No.2 R.D.C. to take up a more senior position in Co. Wexford in 1912.

He was influential in setting up the Irish Volunteers in Wexford.

Thomas Treanor was one of over two hundred volunteers to participate in the Enniscorthy Rising.

Thomas Treanor was interned after the Rising. He was active in the War of Independence 1919-21 and was again arrested and interned. He retired from his position of asst. County Surveyor in 1950 and died in Gorey, Co. Wexford in 1963.

In view with his association with Clones Rural District Council and as part of the 1916 commemorations it was agreed that an annual award titled “The Thomas Treanor, 1916 Award” would be presented to the highest history achiever for Junior certificate in Largy College each year.

(main photo L-R Cllr. Pat Treanor, Cllr. Hugh McElvaney, Emma Smith (History Teacher Largy College), Cathaoirleach Cllr Sean Gilliland, Emily Butler (Student Largy College), Cllr. Richard Truell, Larry & Stephanie Butler)