Urgent Public Health Alert

The Department of Public Health HSE Dublin and North East wishes to advise members of the public about the risk of measles infection to non-immune individuals in the Dublin and North East region.

Since the beginning of March a number of confirmed measles cases have been notified to Public Health HSE Dublin and North East. In view of these cases occurring in this short period of time there is a risk of on-going community spread.

Following a recent notification of a confirmed measles case in the Dublin 15 area we wish to advise that members of the public may have been exposed to measles while:

  • Attending Ship Shape Kids Play Junction 6 Castleknock on the afternoon of 4th April 2024

Action needed:

  1. Be aware of signs and symptoms of measles for 21 days (i.e. 25th April 2024) from the time of possible exposure.

Measles is a highly infectious disease that can cause serious complications, particularly in children under one year of age, pregnant women, and the immunosuppressed. If you are in one of these groups, please seek advice from your GP.

If you or your child was at Ship Shape Kids Play on that afternoon, it is especially important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of measles, which include:

  • Cold-like symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing and a cough
  • Sore red eyes
  • A temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or above
  • Rash, which usually appears on head and neck first and spreads to rest of body

If you have these symptoms, please seek medical advice. Phone ahead prior to attending any healthcare setting to let them know that you have these symptoms, so they can make necessary arrangements.

  1. Ensure you are vaccinated.

If you/your child are not vaccinated against measles with two doses of MMR, please contact your GP as soon as possible during normal working hours to discuss whether you require vaccination.

If you were born in Ireland before 1978 or had measles illness, you are unlikely to require vaccination, as you are probably immune.

The best way to protect yourself and those around you against measles is by MMR vaccination. This can be arranged free of charge with your GP (focus on children) or in the HSE vaccination clinics for children (over the age of 5 years) and adults for whom vaccination is indicated– the times and locations are listed on the following web link:  MMR vaccine Catch-up Programme – HSE.ie

Children should receive their first dose of MMR vaccine at one year of age and a second dose in junior infants at 4-5 years of age.

Further information about measles is available at: https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/measles/


Contact HSE live for further information on measles (Freephone 1800 700 700)


Sean McDermott’s GFC – Community Walking Track Lighting Construction of MUGA, installation of outdoor fitness equipment and village landscaping

Funding for Walking track, lighting & MUGA was received from Sports Capital Fund €100,000 (Walking Track) CLÁR €50,000 (lighting of walking track) and Town & Village Renewal Scheme €100,000 (Village Enhancements & MUGA).
The community of Threemilehouse are getting ready to step into a new era of fitness and fun, as they officially open their brand-new Community Walking Track with enhanced lighting and a state-of-the-art Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) which is located in the grounds of Sean McDermott’s GAA grounds.
The enhancement of the recreational amenities and landscaping has helped create a more attractive location for people to live in, and to create more opportunities for social/community interaction, with positive health and lifestyle benefits.
Official opening by Minister Heather Humphreys took place yesterday.

Extension of Rossmore Forest Play Park

This project received funding of €150,000 under the Community Recognition Fund 2023.
Today see’s Monaghan County Council breaking ground on the exciting extension of Rossmore Forest Park Play Area. The turning of the sod will pave the way for even more fun and laughter for children of the area and further afield.
Sod Turning with Heather Humphreys took place yesterday along with MCC Cathaoirleach, Monaghan MD Cathaoirleach, Chief Executive and Elected Members in attendance.

Bog Garden along the Ulster Canal, Monaghan launched and complete!

 This project received funding of €30,000 under the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme and match funding of just over €5,800 was provided by the Municipal District of Monaghan.
The Bog Garden is a #biodiversity gem, with species coming out from the adjacent woodland to populate the bog land habitat. Through the use of the outdoor classroom on the site, this amenity has become a learning resource and enhances the experience of the Greenway. 🌼
Discover the beauty of our new Bog Garden which is located along the tranquil Ulster Canal/Greenway. This redeveloped bog area will help showcase the rich biodiversity of our County. The bog garden also serves to showcase the natural splendours of nearby Sliabh Beagh which the Council is working to develop as natural tourism amenity in partnership with local communities. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑

Community Recognition Fund 2024

This funding is specifically targeted at projects that are located in communities, towns and villages that are hosting the Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection and/or International Protection Applicants (‘new arrivals’) including towns identified for the rapid build homes programme. The Fund aims to support the development of facilities that will be used in the future by all members of the community. It is separate in its objectives and scope to any other public funding streams which aim to support the development of public service needs arising from the significant number of arrivals from Ukraine and other countries.

The proposal must demonstrate that the funding is targeted at, and specifically invested in, those communities, villages and towns where the highest level of new arrivals are located and where there is a clear need for investment identified.  In Monaghan the areas with the highest number of new arrivals from Ukraine and other countries are: Monaghan, Carrickmacross, Clones and Ballybay.

Projects situated in areas that do not have high levels of new arrivals will not be eligible for funding under the Community Recognition Fund 2024.

Type of projects eligible for funding are:

  • development, enhancement or refurbishment of community or cultural facilities including play areas, walkways, parks, community/sensory gardens, allotments, and recreational areas;
  • development, enhancement or refurbishment of local club and sports facilities including facilities such as community swimming pools, changing rooms, toilets, digital aids such as score / information boards etc.;
  • enhancement to school/parish facilities which are open to use by all of the community after school hours;
  • purchase of equipment for local clubs, festivals, community events and organisations e.g. music, arts or sports equipment;
  • transport infrastructure such as the purchase of community vehicles, bus shelters and attendant information boards; (any vehicle funded must be in good condition and not more than 5 years old)
  • projects that help address dereliction and/or wider local economic and community development objectives;
  • purchase and refurbishment of vacant or derelict buildings for community use where a clear need is identified.
  • Purchase of land and associated works for the development of community facilities such as play areas/ MUGAs or town parks/ community gardens, recreational areas etc. (purchases must only be administered by the local authority).

The minimum level of funding for an individual project is €50,000 with a maximum of €500,000 applying.

If you have a proposed project that is suitable for submission under the Community Recognition Fund and demonstrates the ability to be of benefit to the wider community, can be completed within the required timeframes and is within the identified areas, further information can be downloaded from https://monaghan.ie/communitydevelopment/2024/04/05/community-recognition-fund-2024/

Information Sessions

As part of the process, the Council’s Rural and Community Development & Municipal District Staff will be liaising with and available to meet with community groups in host communities to assist them in identifying projects that might be eligible for funding under the Scheme.

Information Sessions will be held on the following dates:

  • Clones – Monday 15th April 2024 from 4.30 p.m. until 6.30 p.m. in the offices of the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones, The Diamond, Clones
  • Carrickmacross – Tuesday 16th April 2024 from 6.00 p.m. until 8.00 p.m. in the offices of the Municipal District of Carrickmacross/Castleblayney, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross
  • Monaghan – Wednesday 17h April 2024 from 5.00 p.m. until 7.00 p.m. in the Market House, Market Street, Monaghan
  • Ballybay – Thursday 18th April 2024 from 6.30 p.m. until 8.30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ballybay Youth Centre, Birch Court, Ballybay

As in previous years, applications will be assessed on a competitive basis.

Please ensure that you have fully completed the application form before submitting.

All Expressions of Interest applications should be received no later than 4.00 p.m. on Wednesday 1st May 2024 by email to crf@monaghancoco.ie

Late application’s will not be considered after the closing date.

Attention All Dog Owners

There are lots of lambs in the fields.

Every year in Monaghan, there are many attacks on sheep by dogs, particularly around lambing time.

These attacks cause great cruelty to sheep and lambs.

These attacks result in serious losses for the farmer.

Any dog, large or small, may become involved in attacking sheep – MAKE SURE YOUR DOG DOESN’T GET THE CHANCE!

If you own a dog or dogs, you are required to:

  • Keep your dog under control at all times. This means not allowing your dog off your property unaccompanied.
  • Have a microchip certificate of registration which proves that your dog is microchipped and registered to you. (Required since 2016)
  • Ensure that every dog under your control wears a collar bearing the name and address of the owner at all times and that the name and address are legible.
  • Have a current licence for each dog in your possession or a general dog licence to cover all dogs in your possession. YOU CAN NOW BUY YOUR DOG LICENCE ONLINE AT monaghan.ie


Brendan Smyth

County Veterinary Officer

11th April 2024

Temporary Closing of Coolshannagh Road

Monaghan County Council gives notice of its intention to close the following road in the Municipal District of Monaghan in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure – 29th April 2024 – 3rd May 2024

Times: 8am Monday to 6pm Friday (local access only)  

To Facilitate: Uisce Éireann in the Installation of a New Manhole for a sewer connection to a new development.

Road Closed:  LS-5182 Coolshannagh Road (Ballyalbany Bridge)

Diversion Routes:

An alternative route will be signed with traffic being diverted via:

Traffic travelling north will be diverted on to the N54 national road, taking the first exit onto the N2 national road, then a left turn onto Cluain Ard (L16302)

Traffic travelling south will be diverted on to Cluain Ard (L16302), taking a right on to the N2 national road, and taking the third exit on to the N54 national road.

Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned roads with the Head of Roads, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 16th April 2024.  Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection To Road Closure”.

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

11th April 2024

Landfill Remediation Project at Killycard

Notice of Application to An Bord Pleanála for Approval for

Killycard Closed Landfill Remediation Project at Killycard, Castleblayney, County Monaghan

Pursuant to Section 177AE of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and the requirements of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), notice is hereby given that Monaghan County Council proposes to seek the approval of An Bord Pleanála for the completion of Closed Landfill Remediation Works at a Closed Landfill site in Killycard, Castleblayney, County Monaghan.

The application site, as defined by the red line boundary in the accompanying drawings, is 2.25ha in size. The proposed capping area within the application site is 1.34ha in size.

The proposed development will consist of the following:

  • The development of a site access.
  • The development of a temporary site compound and office area for the duration of the works.
  • Invasive species management.
  • Site clearance, including the removal of an existing gate, existing timber post and wire fencing and clearance of existing vegetation.
  • Grading/profiling of the existing site area.
  • Installation of an engineered landfill capping system covering an area of 1.34 ha.
  • Installation of surface and subsurface surface water drainage infrastructures.
  • Installation of passive landfill gas management infrastructure.
  • The installation of stock proof fencing, and a new access gate on-site.
  • Landscaping of the final formation of the capping area using a high value multi species grass cover.

The proposed development will ensure compliance with conditions of a Closed Landfill Certificate of Authorization pertaining to the site granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (CoA Ref: H0364-01).

A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Report for the proposed development has been carried out and has determined that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and has determined that an EIAR is not required.

The Board may give approval to the application for development with or without conditions or may refuse the application for development.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development, including Natura Impact Statement, will be available for inspection free of charge, or for purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the following offices of Monaghan County Council:

  • Environmental Services Department, Monaghan County Council, Civic Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, A81RY22.
  • Carrickmacross Castleblayney Municipal District Office, Civic Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, A81RY22.

between the hours of 9.15am to 1.00pm and 1.30pm to 5.00pm each day during which said Offices are open for the transaction of business, for a period from Wednesday the 24th of April 2024 to Wednesday the 12th of June 2024 (inclusive of both dates) and at the following offices of An Bord Pleanála:

  • An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough St, Rotunda, Dublin 1, D01 V902

between the hours of 9:15am to 5:30pm each day during which said Offices are open from the transaction of business, for a period from Wednesday the 24th of April 2024 to Wednesday the 12th of June 2024 (inclusive of both dates).

Plans and particulars of the proposed development, including the Natura Impact Statement, are also available for viewing on Monaghan County Council’s online consultation portal (www.monaghan.ie) from Wednesday the 24th of April 2024 to Wednesday the 12th of June 2024 (inclusive of both dates).

Submissions or observations regarding the proposed development may be made in writing to An Bord Pleanála (with an address of (64 Marlborough St, Rotunda, Dublin 1, D01 V902) during the period from Wednesday the 24th of April 2024 to Wednesday the 12th of June 2024 (inclusive of both dates) in relation to:

  1. the likely effects on the environment of the proposed development;
  2. the implications of the proposed development for proper planning and sustainable development in the area in which it is proposed to situate the proposed development; and
  3. the likely significant effects of the proposed development on a European Site, if carried out.

Submissions or observations are to be received no later than 5.30pm on Wednesday the 12th of June 2024.

A person may question the validity of any such decision by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts as provided for in Section 50 of the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2022. Further information can be obtained from An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01 V902 in respect of the judicial review procedure.

Further information in respect of the Judicial Review process can also be found on www.citizensinformation.ie Contact Lo Call 1890 777 121 or + 353 21 452 1600 for details of the locations and operating hours of your local Citizens Information Centre.

Signed: Patricia Monahan,

Director of Services,

Directorate of Climate Action, Environmental and Water Services.

Date: 11th April 2024

Increased Cost of Business (ICOB) Grant available for small & medium sized businesses!

As part of Budget 2024, the Government signed off on a package of €257m for the Increased Cost of Business (ICOB) Grant as a vital measure for small and medium businesses.  This initiative is funded by the Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment.

The grant is available to qualifying businesses as a contribution towards the rising costs faced by businesses and is based on the value of your Commercial Rates bill from 2023.

For qualifying businesses with a 2023 Commercial Rate bill of <€10,000, the ICOB grant will be paid at a rate of 50% of the business’s Commercial Rate bill for 2023 and for qualifying businesses with a 2023 Commercial Rate bill of between €10,000 and €30,000, the ICOB grant will be €5,000.

Eligible businesses will receive a once-off grant payment. The amount of the grant payable to eligible businesses is based on the value of the Commercial Rates bill the business received in 2023. However, it is not a Commercial Rates waiver and businesses should continue to pay their Commercial Rates bill as normal.

What is the purpose of the grant?

The grant is available to qualifying businesses as a contribution towards the rising costs faced by businesses. The grant is intended to aid businesses but is not intended to directly compensate for all increases in wages, or other costs, for every business.

How much is the grant?

The grant is based on the value of the Commercial Rates bill received by an eligible business in 2023.

  • For qualifying businesses with a 2023 Commercial Rate bill of <€10,000, the ICOB grant will be paid at a rate of 50% of the business’s Commercial Rate bill for 2023,
  • For qualifying businesses with a 2023 Commercial Rate bill of between €10,000 and €30,000, the ICOB grant will be €5,000,
  • Businesses with a 2023 Commercial Rates bill greater than €30,000 are not eligible to receive an ICOB grant.


What businesses are eligible to receive the grant?

The following are the main qualifying criteria:

  • Your business must be a commercially trading business currently operating from a property that is commercially rateable,
  • Your business must have been trading on 1st February 2024 and you must intend to continue trading for at least three months from the date you verify your information,
  • You must provide confirmation of your bank details,
  • Your business must be rates compliant. Businesses in performing payment plans may be deemed to be compliant,
  • Your business must be tax compliant and must possess a valid Tax Registration Number (TRN).


Please note that Monaghan County Council reserves the right to claw back any grant payment which is later found to be incorrect. This includes any circumstances such as error by the recipient business or the local authority making the payment, or where a business makes a false declaration of eligibility.

How soon can businesses avail of the grant?

An online system has been developed to manage submissions.  Eligible businesses have been issued an invitation letter with a PIN for registration.

What is the closing date?

The closing date for businesses to confirm eligibility and to upload verification details will be    1st May 2024.

Where can I find out further information?

If you have queries regarding your Commercial Rates account including outstanding balances, contact Monaghan County Council at icob@monaghancoco.ie

Our team are happy to discuss any balances outstanding on your rates and what steps can be taken to ensure compliance with the scheme.

Monaghan County Council has received Stage One approval for the provision of 50 social houses on a brownfield site in Latlorcan, Monaghan

Monaghan County Council has received Stage One approval for the provision of 50 social houses on a brownfield site in Latlorcan, Monaghan. The development will provide a mix of 2 bed, 3 bed and 4 bed houses including accessible bungalows for those with disabilities.

Announcing the funding approval Cathaoirleach of Monaghan County Council Cllr. David Maxwell stated “This €18 million euro investment will finish off the Latlorcan estate,  which has remained unfinished for several years , providing much needed homes in the Town.

Monaghan County council Chief Executive Robert Burns added “Providing good quality social and affordable housing in County Monaghan is a priority of mine. This announcement, will, I hope, be the first of many over the next number of months as the Housing Section accelerates delivery of housing in the County. The Housing Section expect works to begin in the last quarter of 2024 with tenants moving in sometime in 2026.”