As part of our ‘Work Matters’ Library programme we asked Ann Green from Support Coach to put together some tips on how to develop yourself and your Career.

‘Building Resilience – How to cope better during uncertain times.’

This will include the top 10 tips on how to build resilience and thrive in uncertain times.
Topics will include:
• How to cope with the uncertainty of COVID-19
• deal with effects of unemployment or threats to business;
• reduce stress levels;
• increase resilience; and
• calmly face almost any challenge that life sends your way

Interview Skills

Here we offer you 10 tips on how to improve your interview performance in a real, or virtual, world. Interviews can be both an exciting and a scary time. If you find that the more you want to successfully land that job, the more anxious you seem to become, then you are not alone. With the challenges COVID-19 has presented, most interviews are conducted virtually, online, which adds more considerations to an interview checklist. Whether you’ve been shortlisted for interview (in which case, well done!) or you’re just considering how to manage yourself when the situation arises, planning how to perform during your interview is the key to feeling you’re in control of the situation.

Career Transformation

6 steps to successfully diversify your career’. Finding a job can be a challenging at the best of times, but now adding COVID-19 into the mix, if you’re thinking about diversifying your career in a new direction, it can feel overwhelming. Choosing to change careers is a big decision and one not to be taken lightly. If you have decided that now IS the right time to consider diversifying your career, this video will be invaluable. It outlines a 6-step structured, practical approach, for success to find your next career chapter and successfully transform your career. The approach has been tried and tested many times and really does work!

Starting your own Business

Starting a new business can be an exhilarating time. It is adrenalin filled and the rewards can be many. Starting a business when the economy is challenging requires additional considerations and ensuring your business idea is commercially viable is crucial.
If you have a business idea and COVID-19, with its multiple complexities, is making you pause and question whether or not this is the right time to launch, this video offers insights on some of the most important areas to consider. These insights will help you decide how well positioned both you and your business idea are to stand the test of launching, taking into account the added challenges, and also the opportunities, of this uncertain time.