Monaghan Town Centre:  Exciting New Regeneration Plan for Dublin Street

Monaghan County Council has engaged Sheridan Woods Architects and Planning Consultants to prepare an exciting new Regeneration Plan for the southern side of Dublin Street and its backlands extending to the Lower Courthouse car park and the Monaghan Shopping Centre.

The Plan proposes to transform this under-developed area to accommodate up to 16,000 square metres of floor area. Envisaged in the Plan is the development of high street stores, a hotel, offices, health care, restaurants/cafes, residential developments and leisure facilities.

Following in the tradition of Monaghan’s historic squares, connected by narrow streets, a striking new civic square, ‘Gavan Duffy Place’ is proposed midway along Dublin Street. The square will facilitate an increase in pedestrian and vehicular activity to this new development area. There is also potential for new development to define the proposed Courthouse Square. A series of street enhancements will encourage greater activity between the shopping centre and the town core.

This Plan will provide the opportunity for landowners and developers to realise the potential of Dublin Street, to improve the range and quality of offer in retail, hospitality and services and will define Monaghan as a shopping and visitor destination.

Funded under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme, the Draft Plan has been prepared in consultation with landowners and the Monaghan Town Team.  The Draft Plan is available for inspection on the County Council website and in the Municipal District office.

A public meeting has been organised for Monday 29th May at 6:30 p.m. in the Market House, Monaghan. The consultants will deliver a presentation and provide an opportunity for discussion and feedback on the draft plan.

Any comments on the Draft Plan should be submitted in writing to Monaghan Municipal District, Monaghan County Council, County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan, no later than Friday 9th June 2017.

Dublin Street Regeneration Plan May 2017

Glaslough Village Architectural Conservation Area Statement of Character

Monaghan County Council wishes to appoint consultants to prepare an Architectural Conservation Area Statement of Character for the village of Glaslough. The ACA Statement of Character will identify unique character, landscape and historic core so that it can be understood and so that further development and evolution of the village can be undertaken in a way that enhances the distinctive qualities of the village.

For more information please read the Tender brief.